Index: Consolidated Osgood, Samuel (Mass. delegate to Continental Congress) 9 mentioned AFC01 356 AFC05 264 312 321 AFC06 22 227 243 482 PJA04 464 6 Letters 2 From JA (1775) PJA03 294 309 4 To JA (1775) PJA03 231 274 328 352 4 as commissioner of the Treasury AFC06 228 230-231 249 347 4 on condition and administration of the Continental Army PJA03 232 274-275 328-330 352 2 JA on abilities of PJA04 377 444 2 elected to Congress AFC05 191 212 2 identified AFC01 357 AFC06 230 2 on criticism of Mass. PJA03 232 353 1 AA comments on AFC05 211 1 in Congress AFC05 299 1 letter to JA about his “Peace Journal” DJA03 42-43 1 on Artemas Ward PJA03 233-234 1 on support for JA AFC05 210-211 AFC04 254-255 376-377 DQA01 289 290 295 297 300