Adams Family Correspondence, volume 1

149 William Tudor to Abigail Adams, 3 September 1774 Tudor, William AA William Tudor to Abigail Adams, 3 September 1774 Tudor, William Adams, Abigail
William Tudor to Abigail Adams
Dear Madam Saturday 12 oClock 3 September 1774

You may depend on my giving your Letter to Capt. Marston who sets out for Philadelphia on Monday. A safer Hand it could not go by.

Pray let your Fears subside about Tumults—there have been none. There was an Assembly of 4000 Patriots at Cambridge yesterday—where the utmost Regularity was observ'd, and after finishing their Business they all repair'd to their homes in Quiet.

They procur'd a Resignation from Danforth, Lee and Oliver under their hands of their seats at the Board.1 Made Phipps2 ask Pardon for being concern'd in the Removal of the Powder, and sware that he would be no ways instrumental in executing the tyrannic Parliamentary Edicts. Brattle had wisely got out of their Reach—his infamous Billet to Genl. Gage, and Address of Yesterday to the Public I inclose3—what will be his Fate is at present uncertain.

It is expected, and on very rational Grounds that by Monday Night the Governor will be left without a Member of his Divan.

It is said many of them are in haste to resign their seats, As neither Greaves with his Fleet,4 Nor Gage with his Army and Castle can insure them Protection from the Fury of their injured Countrymen.

Every Thing in Boston is quiet. The Minds of People are tranquil but firm as Rocks, and we anticipate from American Virtue, a glorious Restoration of American Liberty.

The Monday Prints will be more particular than I can now be.

I am with great Respect Your much oblig'd & Obt. Servt., Will. Tudor

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “For Mrs. Abigail Adams at Braintree.” Enclosures not found; see note 3.


As mandamus councilors. Samuel Danforth and Joseph Lee were both judges of the Middlesex Inferior Court of Common Pleas; Thomas Oliver was the last royal lieutenant governor of the Province; all three were residents of Cambridge. Edward Hill reported to JA: “I cannot omit mentioning that I was present when the People assembled at Cambridge; and never saw men who appear'd so determined to pursue the measures they had plan'd—they were dress'd just as they are at work—every man appeared just as composed as if they were at a funeral—I saw many among them whom I should judge were 60 and 70 years of age” (4 Aug. i.e. Sept. 1774, Adams Papers). On this affair see also Boston Gazette, 5 Sept. 1774.


Sheriff David Phips of Middlesex co.


For Brattle's letter see note 3 on the preceding letter; his “Address to the Public” was printed in Mass. Spy, 8 Sept. 1774.


Vice Adm. Samuel Graves (1713–1787), stationed in Boston Harbor and commanding British naval forces in North America ( DNB ).