Adams Family Correspondence, volume 1

43 John Adams to Abigail Smith, 4 May 1764 JA AA John Adams to Abigail Smith, 4 May 1764 Adams, John Adams, Abigail
John Adams to Abigail Smith
Four O Clock afternoon May 4th. 1764

Returned from a Ramble in Town which began at 10 in the Morning. Dined with my Friend S. Adams1 and Wm. Checkley,2 and visited &c.—so that this is the first Moment of my Knowledge of my Letters or the Dr. being in Town.

Once I have ridden to Dorchester Meeting House in a Chaise with Myra, another Day, round the Town, and over the Neck in a Chaise with Myra, and Yesterday I rode on Horse back into the Country twelve Miles out and in, with one of my Hospital Companions. We are all well but one, who is more hysterical than any ancient Maiden, in the Gout. An History of his Oddities, would be a Curiosity. But the Man is in no Danger, his small Pox is all gone, and he can eat his Pint of Chocolate, and drink his Bowl of Claret sangaree, as well as any Man.

I have had a fine Time of it. I drank Frontinac and Mountain Malaga, and eat Oysters in order to make the Pock fill well, till I filld up about 30 fine ones.

The Dr. waits and wont light.

RC (Adams Papers).


Samuel Adams (1722–1803), the politician, JA's second cousin; see Adams Genealogy.


William Checkley, Harvard 1756, a kinsman of Samuel Adams (Wells, Samuel Adams , 1:54; 2:20).

Abigail Smith to John Adams, 4 May 1764 AA JA Abigail Smith to John Adams, 4 May 1764 Adams, Abigail Adams, John
Abigail Smith to John Adams
My —— Weymouth May th 4: 1764

Your desire that I would write every Opportunity is punctually observed by me, And I comply with your request, altho I have nothing more to say than How do ye? and when will you return? These questions perhaps may appear trifling to others, yet to me they are matters of the highest importance.

The Doctor just now sent me your Epistle, and word, that tho he had smoked it, yet he had not read a line. Very Good!

I greatly rejoice to find you are so comfortable, as well as the rest of my Friends. Myra I hear is to return next week, and will not Lysander too? Yet do not, till you can come with the greatest Safety. For should I see thee,

44 “Were I imprison'd e'an in paridice I should leap the crystal walls.”

Did not you receive a Letter this week by Mr. Ayers? You make no mention of it, tho suppose You had not time, will you be so kind as to write by him tomorrow? For all those pleasureable Sensations, which you were pleas'd to say, a Letter from your Diana gave you, are enjoyed by her when Lysander favours her with an Epistle, and in as much greater a degree, as his are more worthy than hers. Yet tho he exceeds her there, he cannot in a tenderer affection than that which is borne him by his

A. Smith
Sunday 6 May

This Letter has been very unlucky haveing mist two Opportunities. I sent it by 5 oclock yesterday morn to Mr. Ayers, but he went by light.1 I then sent it to Germantown, but the Deacon was gone half an hour before it reachd there; I hear of an other tomorrow morning so will can2 try again. I heard to day that your Brother was expected home last Night, and you tomorrow.

If you come I know it will not be long, You will see your

A Smith

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To John Adams Esq Boston Pr favour Mr Allen To be left at Capt. Cunninghams.”


Thus in MS. Perhaps meaning by dawn.


Thus in MS.