Adams Family Correspondence, volume 3

Oliver Wendell to Abigail Adams, 31 December 1779 Wendell, Oliver AA Oliver Wendell to Abigail Adams, 31 December 1779 Wendell, Oliver Adams, Abigail
Oliver Wendell to Abigail Adams
Dr. Madm. Boston Decr. 31st. 1779

Mr. Cranch deliver'd me your Letter with the five french Guineaus which at the Insurance Office I endeavord to hawk to the Money Voyagers. I found 30 for 1 the most they wou'd offer. Mr. Billy 1 who has purchased much hard Money told me he had offerd him 200 hard Dollars the Day before at that Rate. I have no Doubt that 33 and 35 had been given but the late Reports of a Loan being establishd by Congress and that they have actually drawn some Bills at 25 for 1 seems at present to check a further Depreciation. Part of this Report comes by Mr. H. Marchant a Member of Congress which gives it Influence. However I send you 30 for 1 and having the Guineaus by me if I can do better, it shall be your Advantage.

256 image The State of the Account I subjoin and am with my Respects added to Mrs. Wendells, Your very Humb. Servt., Oliver Wendell
5 french Guineaus at 26/8 is £  6 13 4
Exchange 193 6 8
Sent to Mr. Smith
1 70 70
6 60 360
2 50 100
1 45
2 40 80
1 8
2 2 4
667 at 6/ is £200 2

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To Mrs. Abigail Adams Braintree please to send by some carefull Hand.”


Illegible name; perhaps “Towles.”

James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 6 January 1780 Lovell, James AA James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 6 January 1780 Lovell, James Adams, Abigail
James Lovell to Abigail Adams
Jan. 6. 1780

You will see, lovely Woman, by the Papers which I have sent that we shall have more post Advantages of Communication than we have had for some time back;1 but I fear this Remark will tend to my Disadvantage, and if it was not for Oeconomy I would throw by the present Sheet and take up another in which I would only tell you that I regard, esteem and respect you and will certainly write to you as often as I possibly can. But since I have hinted at increasing Opportunities of Conveyance, I must assure you that the days are too short for me at present by much to get pressing public Business off my Hands; and as to the Nights they are ten times more ruinous to my health than they were in Summer. I therefore hide myself from them within the Bed Curtains the Moment that public duty is discharged. In Truth, I am at length aiming to preserve some Remnant of a good Constitution for Situations into which you seem to think you would chide me if you was invested with those Rights of Chiding which a Church Parson's Certificate is presumed to have conveyed to another.

You may thus perceive that your Letter of Decr. 13 is before me. 257It was within two Minutes brought from the Office with Information that the Post sets out at 2 P.M. I ought now to be in Congress, but must scratch a Line or two for Boston.

Our Affairs are unpleasant in many Views, but not ruined. Every Patriot ought to be allarmed and then all will be safe. I think with Tristram about the Currency, now we have done with the Paper Mill and Press. It seems as if the Signature alone will not make Portia reject the Piece.2 Yorick, Sterne and Tristram are bearable but Shandy is a wicked Creature.

Let me again mention to you to mind the pages of 1778, that if I have sent doubles you may return the 2d, or if I omit, you may demand a single Sheet of the Journals.

Thank Mr. Cranch for his kind Compliments left for me with Mrs. Lovell. I wish him and his every Felicity.

I cannot consent so to stint my heart-warm extensive Vows for you as to pass the Compliments of the Season from my Pen, and thereby risk a Supposition that I had done all which my Affections suggest at the Instant of subscribing myself your Friend & h. Servt.,


RC (Adams Papers). Enclosed newspapers not found.


On 27 Dec. Congress had resolved

“That the post office be so regulated that the post shall set out and arrive at the place where Congress shall be sitting twice in every week, to go so far as Boston, in the State of Massachusetts bay, and to Charleston, in the State of South Carolina” ( JCC , 15:1411).


These allusions remain obscure.