Adams Family Correspondence, volume 4

310 Hugh Hill to Abigail Adams, 10 April 1782 Hill, Hugh AA Hugh Hill to Abigail Adams, 10 April 1782 Hill, Hugh Adams, Abigail
Hugh Hill to Abigail Adams
Madam Boston April 10th. 1782

Shold Estem a fever to Ordr Som of your frends to pay me for your Son Charls Pasheg from bilbao to America Mr. Smith I heare had Som altication on the matr and thinck it is too much, but Madam Shold thinck a great Desrespet Cast on a son of Mr. Adames not to Charge him the Saim as Other Gentelmen ples to ordr it Payd to Captn. Joab Prince I am Madam most Respetfoly your most homble Servt

Hugh Hill

The Pasage is £35: 0: 01

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Mrs. Adams Brantree”; enclosed in AA to JA, 25 April, below. Text is printed in literal style.


The tangled matter of CA's passage money is dealt with in detail in AA to JA, 17–25 March, above; 25 April, below; and in an exchange of letters between AA and Hill immediately following the present letter.

Abigail Adams to Hugh Hill, 16 April 1782 AA Hill, Hugh Abigail Adams to Hugh Hill, 16 April 1782 Adams, Abigail Hill, Hugh
Abigail Adams to Hugh Hill
Sir Braintree, ante 16 April 1782 1

The day after my Son reachd home I wrote to you2 and requested you would inform me what I was indebted to you for my Sons passage. I had inquired of Major Jackson, who said he made no particular agreement respecting him; but that if I would write he would take charge of the Letter, and deliver it himself. I accordingly wrote and requested you to direct a Letter to me; to be left at Isaac Smiths Esqrs Boston but I never heard any thing from you; untill your favour of April 10th. Mr. Smith inquired respecting the other passengers, and found that 25 Guineys was the price you had demanded of them which he thought very high and much more than was given by other passengers who came from the same place at the same time.

With regard to myself I am wholy Ignorant of the customs and useages in such cases, but neither Mr. Adams or myself would wish to do otherways than was customary and reasonable nor should we have been offended if a distinction had been made between the passage of a Man and a child. It would oblige me if you would take a Bill of exchange upon Mr. Adams for the Money, as it is not in my power to pay it without inconveniency. If you will leave a Letter for me at Mr. Smiths I will send the Bills there or to Capt. Prince as you direct. Your Humble Servant,

AA 311

FC (Adams Papers); at foot of text: “To Capt Hugh Hill Beverly”; enclosed in AA to JA, 25 April, below.


Dated from Hill's reply, which follows.


This letter, which must have been sent about 30 Jan., has not been found.