Adams Family Correspondence, volume 5

159 John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 12 May 1783 JQA JA John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 12 May 1783 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John
John Quincy Adams to John Adams
Honoured Sir Hague May 12th. 1783

The fair ended last Saturday, and yesterday1 I began to translate Suetone's life of Caligula;2 Mr. Dumas who is so good as to direct my studies, says you chose I should translate Suetone. I shall begin upon the Greek Testament3 directly.

The 4th. of this Month a vessel from Philadelphia arrived in the Texel, and last saturday Mr. Dumas receiv'd two large packets one of which he forwards this day. T'is said here that the preliminary articles between Great-Britain and this Republick are about to be signed, and that the Definitive Treaty will soon be finished; if so I hope you will soon be here.4

I am, Sir your dutiful Son. J. Q. Adams

Please to present my respects to Messrs. Storer and Thaxter.

RC (Adams Papers).


That is, Sunday, the 11th.


An 8-page MS fragment of a rough-draft French translation of Suetonius' Caligula survives from this exercise (M/JQA/45, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 240). Between March and July 1784, JQA produced a finished 462-page French translation of the first six of Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Caesars (Julius Caesar through Nero) (M/JQA/44, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 239). At the end of his finished translation of Caligula, JQA noted that he had merely copied it from a translation that he completed on 22 July 1783, which must be the translation that he refers to here. See also JQA, Diary , 1:175, note 2, 207, note 1; 2:44, note 1.


See JA to JQA, 27 April, note 5, above.


The preliminary articles between Great Britain and the Netherlands were not signed until 2 Sept. (Morris, Peacemakers , p. 436). The “Definitive Treaty” between the United States and Britain was signed in Paris on 3 Sept., but JA visited Holland in July.

John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 13 May 1783 JA JQA John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 13 May 1783 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy
John Adams to John Quincy Adams
My dear son Paris 13. May 1783

No Letters from you by the two last Posts. Let me hear from you as Soon and as often as you can. This is the only Substitute for the Pleasure of Seeing you, which I fear I cannot enjoy for Some time, as the Conferences for the definitive Treaty languish more than I could wish.

When I desired you to send me an Account of your Expences, I did not mean a particular Account, but only the Amount, or Sum total of all your Expences upon your Journey from Petersbourg. You 160must write to Mr. Dana too, if you have not already done it, an Account of all the Money you took up, on his Account on the Road.

My Compliments to Mr. Dumas and the Family. Your affectionate Father John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Hotel des Etats Unis D'Amerique A la Haye”; docketed by JA: “J.A. May: 13. 1783.”