Adams Family Correspondence, volume 7

Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 December 1786 AA JA Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 December 1786 Adams, Abigail Adams, John
Abigail Adams to John Adams
Abbe Green, Bath decem 23 1786

We arrived here about four oclock a fryday afternoon,1 after a very pleasent journey. The weather was somewhat cold, but a clear Sky and a fine Sun Shine was ample compensation. We found convenient apartments, Good Beaf Mutton and excellent fish for dinner; it was fortunate that we engaged Lodgings before we came, as every House is full. To day being rainy and fogy we have not made any excursion, or looked about us. We wanted a little remit after rising 3 mornings by candle light and riding through the cold. I hope an ad-411ditional quantity of bed Cloaths will make you comfortable; we had the city Musick this morning to wait upon us, and welcome us to Bath. I Suppose we Shall have some more compliments of the Same kind. I think the Bath road has more of an American appearence than any I have traveld in this Country. The Stone Walls and the Hills and the Towns bearing the Same Names, Reading Malborough newburry all reminded me of New England. I think you would have been better pleasd if you had come with us, than you was when you traveld this road formerly,2 in summer it must be delightfull. I think very often of your being alone, but whilst the Book lasts you will not want employment, tho you may amusement. Be so good as to let me hear from you, tell me how you do, and direct under cover to col Smith at mr 3 abbe Green. But why it is calld so I know not, as it is a small paved square and nothing Green to be seen about it.—A Good Nights repose to you tho more than a hundred miles distant my thoughts are very often in Grosveneur Square, and we drink your Health every Day. Mr and Mrs Smith present their Duty. Yours ever


RC (Adams Papers); addressed by WSS: “To His Excellency John Adams Minister Plenipo: &c &c &c. Grosvenor Square”; stamped: “23/DE”; docketed by WSS: “Mrs. Adams”; and by CFA: “Bath. Decr 23d 1786.”; notation by WSS: “at Mr. Marjrams abbe Green.” Mathematical notation by JA, dividing 336 by 16.


22 December. This was AA's first letter to JA since 30 July 1784 (vol. 5:408–409).


JA visited Bath with JQA in Dec. 1783 during their first stay in England (JA, D&A , 3:151–152).


Blank in MS.

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 25 December 1786 JA AA John Adams to Abigail Adams, 25 December 1786 Adams, John Adams, Abigail
John Adams to Abigail Adams
My dearest Friend Grosvenor Square Christmas Day

I hope you have had a Pleasant Journey and are happy in your tour. I am, in a state of Phylosophic Solitude, that has hitherto been very tolerable, because I know my Treasures are not far off. But, as soon as the Novelty of it, wears off, and my occupation shall cease it will grow tedious enough. Dont hurry yourself however nor your Friends, but improve the opportunity to see, whatever you have an Inclination to see. I shall receive the Benefit of your observations when We meet and with more Pleasure than I could have made them perhaps in Person. Love to the Coll and my Nabby Smith, and Compliments to all the Party.

A Letter from Squire Storer is in closed. Barnet is arrived some-412where but I have no letter yet, but one from Storer in which this was in closed.1 Yours forever

John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “december 25 Mr A. 1786.”


Probably Charles Storer to AA, 12 Sept., above, enclosed in Storer to JA, 16 Sept. (Adams Papers). The London Daily Universal Register, 25 Dec., announced the arrival of Captain Barnard at Plymouth on 21 December.