Diary of John Adams, volume 1

1761. Feb. 9th. JA 1761. Feb. 9th. Adams, John
1761. Feb. 9th.

His Majesty has declared him self, by his Speech to his Parliament to be a Man of Piety, and Candor in Religion, a friend of Liberty, and Property in Government, and a Patron of Merit.1

“The Blessing of Heaven, I devoutly emplore”—“as the surest Foundation of the whole, (i.e. the Loyalty and affection of his People, his Resolution to strengthen the Constitution, the civil &c. Rights of his subjects and the Prerogatives of his Crown &c.) and the best Means to draw down the divine favour on my Reign, it is my fixed Purpose to countenance and encourage true Religion and Virtue.”— These are Proofs of his Piety.

He promises to patronize Religion, Virtue, the british Name and Constitution, in Church and state, the subjects Rights, Liberty, Com-201merce, military Merit.—These are sentiments worthy of a King—a Patriot King.


George III became king of England 25 Oct. 1760. His first speech to Parliament, 18 Nov., contained the sentence “Born and educated in this country, I glory in the name of Briton,” which, together with other sentiments of the same kind quoted (somewhat inaccurately) by JA, for a time endeared him to his subjects both at home and overseas. Text in Ann. Register for 1760, p. 248–250.