Diary of John Adams, volume 1

3 19 Monday. JA 19 Monday. Adams, John
19 Monday.

A rainy Day.

20 Tuesday. JA 20 Tuesday. Adams, John
20 Tuesday.

A fair, warm spring like Day. Drank Tea and supped at Mr. Greenes.1


For the first few months after he came to Worcester JA had “boarded with one Green at the Expence of the Town” (JA, Autobiography), but since there were numerous Greens in Worcester at this period and since JA writes this name as “Green” and “Greene” interchangeably, none of those mentioned in the early Diary can be certainly identified.

21 Wednesday. JA 21 Wednesday. Adams, John
21 Wednesday.

A very rainy day. Dined with Coll. Chandlers Jur. Spent the Eve at Mr. Maccarty’s. Kept school. Nothing more.

22 Thurdsday. JA 22 Thurdsday. Adams, John
22 Thurdsday.

A fair morning. Fresh and lively Air. Drank Tea and supped at Mrs. Paine’s.1


Presumably Sarah (Chandler) Paine, daughter of Colonel or Judge John Chandler and wife of Timothy Paine (1730–1793), currently a member of the General Court (Stark, Loyalists of Mass., p. 382–385).

23 Fryday. JA 23 Fryday. Adams, John
23 Fryday.

A fair and agreable Day. Kept School. Drank Tea, at Coll. Chandler’s Jur., and spent the Evening at Major Gardiners.

24 Saturday. JA 24 Saturday. Adams, John
24 Saturday.

A very high west Wind. Warm and cloudy. P.M. warm and fair.

25 Sunday. JA 25 Sunday. Adams, John
25 Sunday.

A cold Weather. Heard friend Thayer preach two ingenious discourses, from Jeremy 10th. 6. and 7. Supped att Coll. Chandlers.

26 Monday. JA 26 Monday. Adams, John
26 Monday.

A sharp piercing Air. Sat out for Uxbridge, arrived 2’o clock.