Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1

Saturday 18th. JQA Saturday 18th. Adams, John Quincy
Saturday 18th.

This morning I went to the French Consul's and from there to the Governor's of this place. We saw Mr. Logonare1 at the Con-15suls. We gave him a Letter and carry another to the Governor's and gave it to him.2 He said he would give us a Passport this afternoon3 or to morrow and that it was impossible to go till monday. Very fine weather. I look'd this morning out of our chamber window and saw a beautiful sight. The waves all foaming upon the Beach and Breaking made a terrible noise and as beautiful a sight as I ever saw in my life. We expected to see a Nun made to day but we were disappointed. The Nuns are shut up in Convents and never see any men Except the friars. They go? ... different ... reasons. Sometimes the thing is this. In these European Countries a Girl must marry the person that her parents to chuse for her. If they are ever so obstinate as to absolutely refuse to marry a Person This afternoon the Gentlemen all went to see the armory but I was a writing a Letter4 and therefore could not go.


Michel Lagoanere, “acting” American agent in La Coruña, who proved unusually helpful to JA by providing travel information and hiring mules and carriages for the trip across northern Spain (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:412; and letter to Lagoanere referred to in note 2, below).


Both letters are dated 18 Dec. (LbC, Adams Papers); in the Lagoanere letter JA discussed his travel needs for the journey across northern Spain and in his letter to the governor listed the names of those for whom he was requesting passports.


The passport, which was issued that day for JA and his party, is in the Adams Papers and is reproduced in JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:facing p. 290).


Not found.

Sunday 19th. JQA Sunday 19th. Adams, John Quincy
Sunday 19th.

This forenoon we all went to the Consuls where we dined. There were 16 Gentlemen 51 dishes, and 20 different sorts of Wines. As we came home brother Charles led me a wrong way and we were near an hour before we found our lodgings but at last we found them. Very rainy and a Great deal of wind all day. I beleive that there is a heavy Gale of wind at sea.

Monday 20th. JQA Monday 20th. Adams, John Quincy
Monday 20th.

Very rainy all this forenoon. This morning Pappa, Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen and Mr. Thaxter went to Court to see and hear the mode of pleading in this country. At about noon it clear'd up. This afternoon I went to the Consuls after the Inscription on the “tour de fer.” He told me that he not got it yet but that he expected to have it to day. He also told me he should come to see my Pappa, and accordingly he came and drank tea here with the king's Lieutenant who is an Irishman. The Administrator of the kings to bacco came also and made a visit to Pappa and made him 16a present of some to bacco and four bundles of segars which are used in this country instead of Pipes. The king of Spain1 will be 64 year old the 20th of January 1780.


Charles III (1716–1788), son of Philip V and Elisabeth Farnèse, who had reigned since 1759 (Larousse, Grand dictionnaire universel ).