Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1

22d. Saturday. JQA 22d. Saturday. Adams, John Quincy
22d. Saturday.

We dined this day with a numerous company at Mr. Lycke's. In the evening I went to the play and had there an occasion of seeing the King, and Prince royal. As I was in Company with a gentleman of the town I ask'd him some question about the King 173and royal Family; he did not say much about the King but when I spoke of the Prince royal ah! says he, “nôtre Jeune prince a beaucoup d'esprit.” As for the King he is neither remarkable for his wit nor for his understanding, and the people all over the City make no scruple to say it publicly.

23d. Sunday. JQA 23d. Sunday. Adams, John Quincy
23d. Sunday.

This afternoon I went and paid a visit to the Baron de la Houze1 the French Minister here; he offer'd to send any letter I should write to my Father with his Dispatches to Mr. De Vergennes.2


Matthieu de Basquiat, Baron de la Houze, French minister plenipotentiary to Denmark, 1779–1792 ( Repertorium der diplomatischen Vertreter aller Länder , p. 112).


Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes, minister of foreign affairs during the American Revolution.

24th. Mond. JQA 24th. Mond. Adams, John Quincy
24th. Mond.

This morning I went to pay a visit to the Baron de la Houze. When I return'd to the Hotel at about 12 o'clock I found the Count and Mr. Schiebe packing up, as the Captain has sent word that the wind is Good and that he intends to set sail this afternoon. (8. o'clock P.M.) We dined at about twelve o'clock and came on board soon after dinner. Since we are on board the wind has chang'd and is at present contrary but we hope it will become favourable in the night.

25th. JQA 25th. Adams, John Quincy

The wind continued bad all day. In the afternoon the Count went on shore.

26th. JQA 26th. Adams, John Quincy

The Count came on board to take us on shore with him so we left our trunks on board and having told the Captain to let us know when the wind became favourable, we return'd on shore.

Februarius. 1783. JQA Februarius. 1783. Adams, John Quincy
Februarius. 1783.

11. Depart de Gottenbourg a 8. heures du matin. Nous arrivames á Copenhague le 15. à 8 heures du soir.1

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Times of departure and arrival vary slightly from the main entries (above).

JQA's return to The Hague from Copenhagen, sketchily presented in this and the following two entries in his Diary, was marked with numerous delays, which characterized his entire journey from St. Petersburg. Arriving in the Danish capital on 15 Feb., he decided to go to Kiel by boat to avoid bad roads and an expensive fare. But after he had waited for nearly three weeks for a good wind, the harbor froze up and he was obliged to go to Hamburg by land. Arriving there on or about 10 March, he stayed for nearly a month before traveling to Bremen, where he remained four days before continuing his journey to Amsterdam. During his stay in the two German cities, he studied the commercial life and concluded that Hamburg would “carry on hereafter a great deal of Trade with America.” JQA arrived in Amsterdam on 15 April and settled in The Hague at his father's residence, the Hôtel des Etats Unis, on 21 April (JQA to JA, 20 Feb., 14 12 March; JQA to AA, 23 July, all in Adams Papers; JA, Diary and Autobiography , 3:ix–x).