Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1

88 Wednesday July the 4th 1781. JQA Wednesday July the 4th 1781. Adams, John Quincy
Wednesday July the 4th 1781.

This day being the Anniversary of American Independance, all the Americans din'd together, at a place call'd De Nieuwe Stads Herberg, but brother Charles and I could not go. In the afternoon Brother Charles and I went to the Oude Man Huis to buy some things, We went to Madam Chabanel's, brother Charles went away soon after and I went to take a walk with the young ladies, I supp'd there, and after supper went again to take a walk. I got home at about 11 o'clock.

From Waller's Works. (Continued from Yesterday) Canto 2d.1


The second and final canto, of 54 lines, takes up three pages in the Diary (same, p. 149–150).

Thursday July the 5th 1781. JQA Thursday July the 5th 1781. Adams, John Quincy
Thursday July the 5th 1781.

This morning I went to see when the boats go for Utrecht. Mr. Dana and Mr. Thaxter din'd at Mr. Sigourney's; I din'd at home. After dinner went to see Mr. Greaves; but found only Mr. Brailsford at home; I stay'd there but a little time, and went for Kaa's; in the way I met Mr. Greaves and Captn. Henzel; and went to take a walk with them out of the Haerlem Porte and down along upon the Dyke; as we were returning we stopp'd at the third Bible to see Captn. Cazneau. When we had got to the first bible I went in to see Mr. Bordly. I got home at about half past ten.

From Addison's Poems Chapter 13th. HORACE. Ode 3d. Book 3d.1


The first seventy lines of Addison's translation of Horace's Ode III, Book III, fill the next three and three-quarter pages in the Diary (Joseph Addison, The Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose . . ., 3 vols., London, 1766, 1:156–159, in JA's Library at MB).

Friday July the 6th 1781. JQA Friday July the 6th 1781. Adams, John Quincy
Friday July the 6th 1781.

This morning Dr. Waterhouse came here and told us that Colo. Trumbul1 had arriv'd in Town. I went to the first Bible to see Mr. Bordly, I found Mr. Trumbel there. I din'd at home. Dr. Waterhouse din'd with us; after dinner Colo. Searle and Major Jackson came here; I went and took a walk with Major Jackson and Mr. Dana. I spent the evening and supp'd at Madam Chabanel's, got home at about 10 o'clock.

From Addison's Poems, (continued from yesterday.)2

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John Trumbull, the Revolutionary painter, whom JQA had met in Paris in 1780 just prior to the artist's departure for London, where he briefly studied under Benjamin West. In Nov. 1780, shortly after his arrival in London, Trumbull was imprisoned on suspicion of treason. He secured his release in June 1781 through the intercession of Charles Fox and Edmund Burke. Trumbull had come to Amsterdam as the fastest route back to America, and there at the request of his father (Gov. Jonathan Trumbull) attempted to obtain a loan for Connecticut through the de Neufvilles and van Staphorsts; he was unsuccessful (The Autobiography of Colonel John Trumbull, Patriot-Artist, 1756–1843, ed. Theodore Sizer, New Haven, 1953, p. 58–74).


On the next three pages in the Diary, JQA copied fifty-nine of sixty lines to conclude Addison's translation of Horace's Ode III, Book III (Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, 1:159–161).