Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2

28th. JQA 28th. Adams, John Quincy

The weather fine, but rather cool.

Somewhat unwell, and had a bad head ache in the afternoon. My Cousin, and Leonard White, both came. We had been anxious for Leonard, as we heard he was sick: he was so in the beginning of the Week, but, has now pretty well recovered. About half 23the College, are now here. The bill at prayers, is not kept,1 till the Friday after the Vacation ends.


That is, bills of absence and tardiness. See entry of 19 Aug., note 1 (below).

29th. JQA 29th. Adams, John Quincy

Went to Mr. Dana's, in the afternoon, upon some business. There were two gentlemen, there, one of which, had a deal of small talk with Miss Almy,1 upon matrimony. Tea, at 3d Chandler's. Most of the Members were there. Few of the Scholars are now absent. Windy Weather.


Presumably a daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Gould) Almy, of Newport; Mrs. Elizabeth Dana's family, the Ellerys, were intermarried with the Almys (Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636–1850. First Series...., ed. James N. Arnold, 20 vols., Providence, 1891–1911, 4: Part II: 80; Joris Janssen De Rapaljé, William Almy, of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 1630, Chicago, 1897, p. 35, 82).

30th. JQA 30th. Adams, John Quincy

Heard Mr. Hilliard1 all day upon Acts. VII. 9. And the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him. The Sermons were good, but there is such, a sameness in almost all the Sermons, I hear preach'd, that they are Seldom very entertaining to me. Dined at Mr. Dana's, with his brother in Law Mr. Hastings, Captn. Hobby, and two Seniors, Dwight, and Harris. Mrs. Dana, always sociable and contented. Dwight and Harris, have a very good reputation in College; it is supposed they will have good Parts at Commencement, they will be distributed in about a fort'night. Two young fellows from New Haven, offered themselves yesterday, for the Senior Class; but after examination, were not found qualified for admittance; this was surely losing the Substance by grasping at the Shadow; for they have not only failed getting their degree, here, but have lost the opportunity of having one, at their own College.


Timothy Hilliard, minister at the First Church, Cambridge (Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates, 16:59–63).