Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2

29th. JQA 29th. Adams, John Quincy

Not entirely recovered yet from the fatigue of Thursday night, but could in some measure attend to reading. Mr. Parsons's students all dined with him. Master Moody1 from Byfield, with a son of Dartmouth by the name of Parish were likewise of the Company. Mr. Parish2 has to perfection the appearance and manners, which have distinguished all the young gentlemen from that seminary, with whom I have had any acquaintance. The same uncouthness in his appearance; the same awkwardness in his manners, and really I am not illiberal if I add, the same vacancy in his countenance. That a man should not at the same time make a scholar and a fine gentleman, that the graces and the muses should refuse to reside in the same mansion, is what I have never thought strange; that they seldom unite is at once my sorrow and my consolation; but the students of Dartmouth, appear determined, to raise no rivalship, between these sets of Sisters, and therefore discard them all. Mr. Moody was extremely full of high flown compliments; the grossest the most fulsome, flattery was incessantly in his mouth. Every virtue and 336every accomplishment he lavished away upon the company, with so little consideration that he seemed to forget that modesty was in the list. He went off however very soon after dinner.

By G. Bradbury, I received a couple of letters from Cambridge,3 which gave me no agreeable news. Bradbury was with me, in the evening; he relieved me in some measure from my fears. The Colleges it seems in the course of the last quarter have been in great confusion and the students are much irritated.4


Samuel Moody, the first master of Governor Dummer Academy in Byfield, Mass. (Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates, 12:48–54).


Elijah Parish, who served as minister at Byfield, Mass., from 1787 to 1825 (Sprague, Annals Amer. Pulpit, 2:268).


This may include Nathaniel Freeman's letter to JQA, 22 Dec. (Adams Papers), the only extant letter from Cambridge for this period.


See note for entry of 2 Feb. 1788 (below).

30th. JQA 30th. Adams, John Quincy

Attending meeting the whole day at Mr. Carey's. Dined at Mr. Hooper's1 in company with Mr. Symmes, who return'd in the afternoon to Andover. In the evening I walkd with Dr. Kilham to Mr. Carter's; found nobody at home. We then went and pass'd the evening with Mrs. Emery. The conversation was agreeable, tho' not extremely interesting.


Stephen Hooper, a merchant with interests in Newburyport and Newbury (Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates, 15:53–56).

31st. JQA 31st. Adams, John Quincy

In the Evening I went with Townsend, to see Miss Cazneau, and to fulfill a promise, of playing on the flute for her; which I made some weeks ago; and renew'd last Thursday. The character of Miss C. I propose to delineate at a future period; if I should continue to draw any.

At eight I left her and pass'd the remainder of the evening at Mrs. Hooper's.

The night, which puts a period to the revolving year, always presents to my mind a crowd of the most serious reflections. But none are more important than those upon the shortness of human life. A twentieth part of the days of man has nearly elapsed since, I began this journal; yet, how uninteresting the events! how much of that period lost! how much mis-spent! But 337revert the question: how much employed to make me wiser, better and more useful? Ah! how shall I answer?