Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2

359 9th. JQA 9th. Adams, John Quincy

Mr. Parsons gave me this morning a packet of Letters, which I have been expecting these five weeks. There was however but one short Letter from Europe.1

In the afternoon Amory went for Salem. I took a ride with Townsend, S. Cutler, J. Greenleaf, Prout, Thompson, and three or four Ladies in a sleigh: we rode out as far as Mr. Dalton's farm: and after taking something of a circuitous rout, return'd and took tea at Sawyer's. After passing an hour we all return'd to Town. I spent the evening at Mrs. Hooper's. It was the first time I had been there since her misfortune. She bears it well, though frequent sighs rise deep from her breast. Mr. L. Jenkins was there; a good, honest, simple soul, without the least kind of harm in him. Miss Lucy Knight was there too. She has a very amiable countenance, a fine form and a benevolent disposition. Townsend says she has no sensibility, and I think her countenance wants some of that expression, which communicates the charm of sympathy to our souls. She may be possessed of many virtues, and if so will attract my esteem, and respect; but she is incapable of loving, and therefore could never be an object of love to me. A young fellow by the name of Rogers, for a year and a half paid the closest attention to her; and when it was daily expected that they would be published, he suddenly left her, and neglected her entirely; she wrote him a letter containing a dismission, and appears not to have had a disagreeable sensation upon the subject ever since. A disposition like this certainly smooths the path of life; but at the same time it certainly serves to make it narrow and contracted.


These letters probably included William Cranch to JQA, 22–27 Jan.; John Murray Forbes to JQA, 19 Jan.; Nathaniel Freeman to JQA, 27 Jan.; and possibly AA to JQA, 12 Oct. 1787, the only extant letter from Europe at this time (all Adams Papers). Any others remain unidentified.

10th. JQA 10th. Adams, John Quincy

I went with Townsend in the forenoon to hear Parson Tucker; he gave us an excellent discourse from, Ecclesiastes VII. 17. Be not over much wicked. Neither be thou foolish. Why shouldest thou die before thy time? Without alluding to the late circumstance of Hooper's death, it appeared plainly that the sermon was dictated by that occasion; and it was very well adapted; he particularly exhorted his hearers to avoid scenes of debauchery, 360of lewdness and intemperance, and with his usual liberality and ability, recommended the opposite virtues. I did not attend meeting in the afternoon; but wrote a little, and read a great deal as very frequently happens with me.

Townsend past the evening and supp'd with me. I have done keeping late hours. I find they are wholly incompatible with my health. I have of late, several times, after setting up at writing till one or two o'clock in the morning, been utterly incapable of getting any sleep the whole night. My nerves have got into an unhappy tone, and I am obliged to desist from continued application. My spirits for sometime have been low, and I have felt an incapacity of enjoyment, but that is now wearing off, and I am in hopes, that before long I shall again be able to resume at least as much diligence as I have been used to.