Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2

17th. JQA 17th. Adams, John Quincy

The young gentlemen who graduated yesterday were.

Benjamin Abbot

Solomon Adams

Thomas Adams

Thomas Bancroft

Oliver Barron

Stephen Baxter

Joseph Brigham

Joseph Cabot

George Caryl

Edward Clarke

Oliver Dodge

James Gardner

Adam Gordon

William Hill

Charles Jackson

Abner Lincoln

Henry Phelps

John Phillips

James Prescott

Daniel Clarke Sanders

William Sawyer

Amos Tappan

John Dexter Treadwell

Charles Turner

Nathan Underwood

Samuel West

Robert Wier

Jacob Kimbal's name is inserted in the Theses and Catalogue but he could not obtain his degree being unable to pay his bills.


This morning Mr. Andrews called me at College, before six o'clock, and we soon departed together towards Braintree where we arrived at about nine. Mr. Andrews breakfasted with us, and then proceeded to Hingham. My Spirits were so much exalted yesterday, that a contrary effect seems this day to take place; the bow-string by being too much distended cannot regain its usual position without an intermediate relaxation; the weather was sultry and I felt much fatigued.

18th. JQA 18th. Adams, John Quincy

Upon the warmest day we have had this Summer I was obliged to go to Boston, upon a hard trotting horse; with the Sun blazing in my face all the way. I do not know that I ever suffered more, from the heat. And when I got into Boston I was obliged to bustle about almost all the day. I had to call three times at Mr. Green's Store before I could get the payment for a bill of exchange, which I think is a very irregular manner for a merchant to transact business. I got the money however in the afternoon. I dined at Mr. Dawes's. He was not at home himelf; but Mrs. Dawes is a charming woman. She is handsome, but there is an amiable sweetness in her countenance and manners, far more pleasing, than the most perfect beauty could be without it. W. Cranch accompanied me in all my excursions. We went together on the top of Beacon hill; and greatly enjoyed the fine prospect, and the refreshing breeze. At about seven o'clock the wind got round, and it grew quite cool. I mounted, and rode about a quarter of an hour in the rain, after which I had a tolerable ride, and got home, by nine o'clock. I had taken some letters from the post-office, which were from my Sister at New York.1


Possibly AA2 to JQA, 8 June (Adams Papers); and AA2 to AA, 15–22 June, in AA2, Jour. and Corr. , 2:80–84, and Adams Family Correspondence , 8:273–275.

19th. JQA 19th. Adams, John Quincy

I was considerably fatigued by my jaunt of yesterday, but made out however to read something, in the course of the day; and in the slow progress which I have made since I came to Braintree, I have at length got through the volume of Doctor Priestley upon history and general policy, which I take to be an excellent work; I shall take as early an opportunity as possible to peruse it again.