Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2

6th. JQA 6th. Adams, John Quincy

Mr. Williams gave us another Lecture upon heat; and introduced a new System of his own. But the heat being increased in the Chamber, by a small fire, which was necessary for making the experiments, and by the breath of an hundred Persons, as-46sembled in it, became almost insupportable, Thompson fainted completely, and was carried away to his chamber.

7th. JQA 7th. Adams, John Quincy

We had this morning a continuation of Mr. Williams's System; by which, he pretends to account for the aurora borealis, in a manner different from any that has yet been started. His Hypothesis appears to be very plausible, and I hope, that if it is not wholly true, it may lead on to further discoveries concerning a Phenomenon, which has not yet been well accounted for.

I declaim'd in the Chapel this afternoon. (See page 318.)1

Immediately after prayers, the Parts for exhibition, were given out. Little, has the English Oration, Beale, the Latin, Abbot 1st. and Burge the Forensic. It is a matter of surprize, that Beale, should have an Oration as he is not considered, as very extraordinary either as a scholar or, a speaker.


That is, in entry of 15 April (above).

8th. JQA 8th. Adams, John Quincy

A very warm day again. I was in the morning with Mr. Williams, at the Philosophy Chamber. I made tea for the Club this afternoon. We were at Beale's chamber in the afternoon.

9th. JQA 9th. Adams, John Quincy

Quite unwell almost all day. We had a Lecture from Mr. Williams, upon magnetism. The weather has altered so much that it is now very cool.

10th. JQA 10th. Adams, John Quincy

The Course of Philosophical Lectures was closed, with one, giving an explanation of the Orrery, and as an Introduction, to the astronomical Course, which we shall have next Quarter. I went also, and heard a Lecture from Dr. Waterhouse, upon digestion. I have nearly Lost this day; strol'd about with White in the afternoon. Cranch went to Boston. After Tea, we walk'd, half, an hour and then return'd and spent the rest of the Evening at Bridge's Chamber.

Mr. Williams closed his Lectures, with these Verses from Pope

47 All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose Body, Nature is, and God, the Soul; That, chang'd through all, and yet in all the same; Great in the Earth, as in th'aethereal frame; Warms in the Sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees, Lives through all Life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent; To him no high, no low, no great, no small; He fills, he bounds, connects and equals all.1

β€œAn Essay on Man,” Epistle I, lines 267–274, 279–280.