Papers of John Adams, volume 2

From Samuel Swift, 13 March 1775 Swift, Samuel JA From Samuel Swift, 13 March 1775 Swift, Samuel Adams, John
From Samuel Swift
13th. March 75 Trusty and well Beloved

I have Read a specimen of Nov Anglus as of this day and am not a little in Raptures with it, should have Rejoyced if Edes & Gill had began and finished this days paper with his masterly performance,1 which I hope in God may be continued for the Edification of the Good people for whose Good it was designed and as this is Something of a leasure time may we go on.

God will prosper his endeavours. It is beyond the limits of a Contracted Letter to descend to particulars. Suffice it then that I only particularly mention one vizt. “nor was any provision ever made until the Reign of Henry 8th. for trying treasons2 abroad and the Acts of that Reign were made on purpose to catch Cardinal Pole” well observd. and that Act being many years prior to Any of these Colonies who now join (and thank God they all join) to Save themselves from impending Ruin. Those Colonies could not then be in Contemplation. The Remarks of N. Anglus upon Massachusetensis of Janry 16th. are health to my Navil and Marrow to my bones. His other demonstrations Relative to the delusive pretensions of Massa. is to the well pleasing of Thousands.

No man is Corn for himself, the publick have a Claim to the Gifts of N. Anglus, may nothing but death the common Lot of all men prevent his progress, and as Moses Guided under God the Israelites of Old so let N. Anglus guide direct and Stear this our New English Israel, and to a mind formd like that of N. Anglus it carrys a Reward with it that only the truly Generous soul can Rightly Concieve of. As I am in a Measure Confin'd Should you See this worthy Cityzen N.A. before I do, press him on to his duty for the sake of a most 404Loyal and dutiful people who are ill used and Abused by those who are called but misscall'd the Lords Anointed. His path shall Shine more and more.

There is a party, Devil-drove who now begin to be hagar ey'd and who have Recourse to all that is Hellishly Artful, in order to keep their heads above water and cannot do it neither, for if their infernal Lyes Should Chance to Obtain Credence for 24th hours it is 12 more than Usual. Let Nov Anglus neither eat nor drink til he has slain Paul.

I percieve that at our Town Meeting this day had, Our Respective officers are as before, except the Torys, with Whom short work was made. You'l see this days papers, in which you'l find Sundry Good peices of Speculation. Massa. may Cavil but not Argue that the Acts i.e. all the Acts of Henry the 8th. were made &c but no matter give him Rope and he'l hang himself, which ought to have been done years ago had he been worth hanging. It is Reported that the Gentlemen of the Sword try to pick a Quarel within the Gates of the City, tho perhaps they would not Attempt it a Greatways without e'm; as to the desolution of P——t there are various Conjectures. If you should by Chance see N. Anglus before me Greet him thrice heartily in behalf of your most affectionate friend And hum Sert. at Comd.,

Saml. Swift

RC (Adams Papers).


The Novanglus piece begun 13 March in the Boston Gazette was the only one not published in its entirety in a single issue of the newspaper.


Swift's omission of the word “committed” after “treasons” altered the meaning of JA's point, although this was probably an inadvertence.

To James Warren, 15 March 1775 JA Warren, James To James Warren, 15 March 1775 Adams, John Warren, James
To James Warren
Dr Sir Braintree March 15. 1775

I have had the Pleasure and the Honour of Several Letters from you, and one from an incomparable Satyrist of our Acquaintance, and must own myself, very faulty in neglecting So long to answer them. But you know the Infirmity of my Eyes, which Still continues and renders it very difficult for me to discharge my Debts in the literary Way. The Speculations you read every Week as you Say in the Papers, drop down from the Clouds.1 Is it not impossible that they should be written without Eyes? As to my being of the Congress, I think our Town did right in not choosing me, as they left out Thayer,2 and as Mr. Palmer is as good a Hand as they can employ, and having been 405for sometime in the Center of all their Business, in the County, Town and Province, is the best Man they have.3 Indeed I was not at the Meeting and never had been at any Meeting in this Town for Eight Years. To say the Truth I was much averse to being chosen, and shall continue so, for I am determined, if Things are Settled, to avoid public Life. I have neither Fortune, Leisure, Health nor Genius for it. Being a Man of desperate Fortune, and a Bankrupt in Business, I cannot help putting my Hand to the Pump, now the Ship is in a storm, and the Hold half full of Water. But as soon as she gets into a Calm and a Place of Safety, I must leave her. At Such a Time as this, there are many dangerous Things to be done, which nobody else will do, and therefore I cannot help attempting them—but in peacefull Times, there are always hands enough ready.

The Accounts We have from every Quarter, are agreable, upon the whole. If We are prudent, a War, will break out in England first, whatever the Sanguine Tories may hope, or the timid Whiggs dread.

Virginia has Sown her Wheat instead of Tobacco, and so many of her Planters have desisted from exporting the old Crop that the Vessells cannot get Freight. Their Men are ready, to march.

I think the Petition from Jamaica,4 and the Behaviour of the other Islands, are great Events in our favour. And on the whole, that the Measures already concerted, will as certainly ensure us success as Sun and Rain, a deep soil and strong Manure will produce you a Crop of Grass. It may take Time.

The People this Way, rather advance in Resolution, I think. I have this day attended a Town Meeting, and We have voted three Companies of Minute Men and an Association comprehending that of the Congress and all the Votes of the Provincial Congress and appointed a Committee of thirty Persons, to see it faithfully observed. We have a few rascally Jacobites and Roman Catholicks in this Town, but they dare not shew themselves.

The Lies, the Tories make and Spread to keep up the spirits of their Party, are ridiculous enough. 40,000 Russians 20 Thousand British and Irish Troops, and 16 Capital ships and a Thousand Cutters and all that.

Such Steps would produce another Revolution.

I hope to have the Pleasure of an Evening with you in your Way to Concord. Pray take a Bed here.

My most friendly Regards to a certain Lady. Tell her, that God Almighty, (I use a bold style) has intrusted her with Powers, for 406the good of the World, which, in the Course of his Providence he bestows upon very few of the human Race. That instead of being a fault to use them, it would be criminal to neglect them.

I am sir, your affectionate Friend and very humble servant, John Adams

RC (MHi:Warren-Adams Coll.); addressed: “To the Hon. James Warren Esq, Plymouth”; docketed: “Braintree March 1775”; also docketed and canceled: “Paris Sept 1783 John Adams.”


The Novanglus letters.


Earlier, Ebenezer Thayer, of whom JA had a low opinion, and JA had been rivals for a Braintree seat in the General Court ( Diary and Autobiography , 1:303–304; 2:10).


Joseph Palmer was elected delegate to the Provincial Congress on 23 Jan. 1775 ( Braintree Town Records , p. 453)


The Jamaica Assembly to the King, 23 Dec. 1774, in which the assemblymen abhorred the prospect of conflict between Great Britain and the mainland colonies; asserted that they accepted Parliamentary economic regulations as a matter of prudence rather than of right; and called upon George III “to become a mediator between [his] European and American subjects” (Gipson, Empire before the Revolution , 13:75–76). Extracts from the petition appeared in the Boston Gazette, 27 Feb. 1775, suppl.