Papers of John Adams, volume 3

From Thomas Young, 2 August 1775 Young, Thomas JA From Thomas Young, 2 August 1775 Young, Thomas Adams, John
From Thomas Young
Philadelphia 2nd August 1775 Sir

To your request that I would give you my sentiments on the important subject of your Commission1 which so much interests the defence of these Colonies I answer.

Of all pursuits that men have yet engaged in none is more subject to misfortune, imposition, and disappointment than that of minerals. Few are, or from the mysterious and complex nature of the thing can be judges of the matter. Few have the diligence, address and oeconomy suitable to carry on so many branches of business with so many men to advantage. Few have the integrity to treat the public with that strict honor that they would a private person or company, 113and on all occasions to make it their study to gain and to save every farthing for them that the business would throw in their way. Suffer me at once to inform your honor that it is your meeting with a person as well calculated for mineral matters as the worthy Doctor Franklin for those of the Post office that will give you any sort of chance of success.

A man must, in the first place, be a judge of the quality of ores and capable of assaying them so as to discover what heterogeneous matters they contain and how or whether they can profitably be seperated from them; he must determine pretty readily whether a certain vein or bed of ore can be carried on to advantage; whether the ore can be had easy and in sufficient plenty to bear the expence of the high wages of this Country. He should be a judge of situation, respecting wood, water and provision of every sort to carry forward every branch of the complicated business: In fine he ought to be the Philosopher, mechanic, chemist, accomptant, indeed a judge and director of the human passions; or so many of the meanest, as well as greatest of mankind as he will have to deal with will never be treated by him in the manner that will afford most advantage and satisfaction to his Country.

Such a man as this, if commissioned by you, will make it his business to seek and fix upon the most advantageous spot he can find, and with the least possible expence, produce you the substance now more immediately wanted. But every one knows that the researches of a skillful and honest man might discover other advantageous metals as well as lead which in our present circumstances are much needed for defence and support.

Whatever a long continued scene of reading and expensive course of experience in this way has put in my power the Committee may at all times command, and if they should judge my services in this arduous department might be beneficial to my Country, and more likely to save the public money than advertising for a miner here, an assayer there, a smelter, colier and every other inferior workman, as chance turned up the information of his being needed, I would cheerfully engage to serve them on such term as none should reasonably complain of.2 I make this offer as I have in fact seen the business carried on, and believe I could still find the smelter with whose abilities I am thoroughly acquainted, and once had the superintendence of his operations. This workman smelted a considerable quantity of lead from an ore belonging to the late Collo. Martin Hoffman of Dutchess County; but the vein sinking perpendicular in the bottom of a valley, which could not be mined, and not being large enough to bear the 114expence of a fire engine3 the work was dropped. The ore that I was most concerned in working was too much embarrassed with iron to yield any profit till it got farther down than our company were disposed to carry it. I am Sir your most obdt. humble servt.

Tho Young4

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To the Honorable John Adams Esqr.”


JA was a member of a committee of the congress which had members from each colony, and which was to find sources of lead and the best methods for refining it (JA's Service in the Congress, 10 May – 1 Aug., Editorial Note, above). If JA put his request in a letter, it has not been found.


No record of acceptance of Young's offer has been found.


That is, a steam engine ( OED ).


Young (1732–1777), a physician and ardent whig, was active in the Sons of Liberty in Boston, although he grew to manhood in New York. In 1775 he went to Philadelphia, and in 1776 he helped to frame the Pennsylvania constitution ( DAB ; Pauline Maier, “Reason and Revolution: The Radicalism of Dr. Thomas Young,” Amer. Quarterly, 28:229–249 [Summer 1976]).

From James Warren, 9 August 1775 Warren, James JA From James Warren, 9 August 1775 Warren, James Adams, John
From James Warren
Watertown Augt:9th:1775 My Dear Sir

I have very Accidentally heard of this Opportunity by Mr. Brown and have so short Notice of it that I can do little more than Acknowledge the Receipt of your favour of the 26th. July, which I Received the day before Yesterday when my Mind was tortured with Anxiety and distress. The Arrival of powder in this manner is certainly as Wonderful an Interposition of Providence in our favour as used to take place in favour of the Jews in the days of Moses and Joshua. We have very little News here, no remarkable military Events have taken place in the Army here. In short the General has been obliged from Principles of frugality to restrain his rifle men. While they were permitted Liberty to fire on the Enemy, a great number of the Army would go and fire away great quantitys of Ammunition to no Purpose.1 Four Captains and a Subaltern were killed the beginning of last week cheifly by the rifle men, and I am persuaded they will do great Execution. There was but one Company of them here last Week. On Sunday a very fine Company came in from Virginia. Yesterday Morning went through this Town 3 Companys more as many are Expected this Morning. I never saw finer fellows. What a view does this, and the Concourse of Gentlemen from all the Colonies give us of Bernard! and Hutchinson! small Faction. Last Evening arrived here a Gentleman from Machias with an Account of their haveing taken two other Tenders. So that they now have five prizes: three Tenders, and two Sloops taken from Jones. 28 Prisoners are on the road and will be hear 115this day among whom is Old Ichabod Jones.2 The rest are Lieutenants of Men of War, Midshipmen, and Seamen. Five Sloops after wood and fresh Provisions are taken by Cargill3 and others and Carried into Penobscot this is doing great Service. They are reduced to great straits for wood as well as fresh provisions in Boston. It is said it would fetch 3 Guineas a Cord. They have already Burnt all the fences &c. All Accounts from Boston agree that they are dismantleing the Castle, and Intend to destroy the works there, which with other Circumstances Induce many to suppose they have an Intention to leave the Town. Many People have lately come out. He has restricted them to £5 sterling in Money, a small matter of furniture and absolutely forbid them bringing out plate. What the policy should be unless he designs to plunder, destroy and then leave we cant devise. Boylston, John Gill, Lovel, the Selectmen, &c to the Number of 13, are kept it is said till Jones, and Hicks two Insignificant Puppies we have in Concord Goal are suffered to go into Boston. We have resolved they shall go. The General has sent in the resolve by a Trumpet. We have no Answer yet tho' that was done last Sunday.

I am very sorry I should omit any Information you had occasion for. It is not wholly and only Negligence. Such has been the Confusion here that it was difficult to Ascertain who held many of the offices. This was the Case with Young Palmer. I often asked, and never was satisfactorily resolved whether he was Quarter Master General or his Deputy. He was however the first, and still Acts as such in the Mass. Forces, and has Expectations of being Appointed by the General. I cant learn that any of those you so Justly regret to have referred to other hands than your own are yet made. As to Pigeon I knew he was a Commissary, but his Temper is so petulant that he has been desirous of quitting for some time, and Indeed I have wished it.

I am taking pains to give you the Information you want of the Biography of the offices in the Army, &c. I have Applyed to Genl. Thomas and one Other General for that Purpose.4 As for Engineers I wish we were in a better way. G——y is grown old, is much governed by A Son of his, who vainly supposed he had a right to the second place in the Regiment that is before Burbank and Mason. The Congress thought Otherways. He was Sulkey. We had much Trouble with them, and I Understand the General has his Share yet.5 I have not lately heard from Mrs. Adams, though have frequently Enquired of People from and through Braintree, from which I Conclude she is well. I wrote you a long letter by the Genls. Express which went on last Saturday after being detained much longer than I Expected.6 116I hope he will be with you Tomorrow. I wish to see the return of Fessenden before I leave this Town.7 We have a short Adjournment in Contemplation, and Expect it the latter End of this week. You will hear of the Accident which befel the Letters sent by Hitchburn. He very Injudiciously kept them when he had all the Opportunity he could wish to destroy them.8 I wish to hear whether the Letter to me was from You or Mr. S: Adams. I lost the pleasure of it and they Boast of great discoveries made from that and the two Letters to Genl. Washington.9 I am very Much Obliged to you for the many Instances of your Partiality and Friendship. I am Necessitated to Conclude or loose this Conveyance, and Am with every Wish for you. Your Sincere Friend,

J: Warren

My regards to all our Friends, perticularly Mr. Adams. Many of the Tories are prepareing to leave Boston. Sewal and Family and some Others are going Home, and some know not where to go.10 I beleive they are almost ready to Call on the rocks and Mountains to Cover them. I make no Apology for Incorrectness &c. Your Candour is relied on.

RC (Adams Papers); docketed in JA's late hand: “Warren Augt. 9th 1775.”


Excessive shooting concerned both Washington and the General Court (General Orders, 4 Aug., Washington, Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, 3:384–385; Resolution, 12 Aug., Mass., House Jour. , 1775–1776, 1st sess., p. 66).


In June, Ichabod Jones led an expedition to Machias, Maine, where he owned a mill, to obtain firewood for the army in Boston. On 11 June, in one of the first naval actions of the Revolution, Jones was captured together with the Margaretta, the schooner sent by Adm. Graves to escort the expedition. On 15 Aug., Jones was sent to jail in Northampton; a few days later the General Court ordered the seizure of his property in Machias, an action that he protested in Sept. 1776, when he petitioned for a rehearing of his case (MHi:Gay Transcripts, Adm. Graves in North America, 1:133, 142, 152, 153, 182; 3:431; Mass. Provincial Congress, Jours. , p. 395–396, 399, 500; Mass., House Jour. , 1775–1776, 1st sess., p. 88; House Jour., 1776–1777, 2d sess., p. 86; Naval Docs. Amer. Rev. , 1:655–656, 676–677).


Probably James Cargill of Newcastle, Maine (Wroth and others, eds., Province in Rebellion , p. 1691).


See replies of Gens. Thomas and Frye of 11 and 25 Aug. (below).


The pretensions of Richard Gridley's son, Maj. Scarborough Gridley, did not last long, for a court martial on 24 Sept. found him “guilty of breach of orders” and ordered his dismissal from the army but did not debar him from further service (Washington, Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, 3:515–516).


See Warren to JA, 31 July, note 7 (above).


That is, Warren hopes for another letter from JA.


For Hichborn's justification of his conduct in caring for the letters, see his letter to JA of 28 Oct. (below).


The only known letter to Washington in the group of intercepted letters is that from Benjamin Harrison.


The Sewalls and a number of other loyalists left Boston on 21 Aug. and arrived in London on 21 Sept. (Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Hardwicke, 22 Sept., MHi:Gay Transcripts, Hutchinson-Hardwicke Letters, p. 56a–59).