Papers of John Adams, volume 3

The Council to the Massachusetts Delegates, 11 November 1775 Massachusetts Council JA Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates The Council to the Massachusetts Delegates, 11 November 1775 Massachusetts Council Adams, John Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates
The Council to the Massachusetts Delegates
Watertown Novr. 11th. 1775 Gentlemen

The Manifest Militation between the Resolve which passed the hon'ble the American Congress on the ninth June last relative to Establishing Civil Government in this Colony and the Resolve which passed the Congress on 18th of last July pointing to a method how the Militia should be regulated in the Several United American Colony's hath caused some Altercation between the Hon'ble House of Representatives, and the Council.1 The House have claimed by Virtue of the Last resolve a right to a choice, in the Choice with the Council of the Militia Officers in this Colony. The Council have considered themselves bound to Act in conformity to the first mentioned Resolve. But such is the Prevailing sentiments of the House, that they have a right to join in the Election of Military Officers, that it will be diffi-293cult for the Council longer to Storm the Torrent of a measure so popular, unless absolutely directed thereto by the Hon'ble Congress. The Council hope an Order of that kind will not take place. They rather wish the Representatives of the people may be Gratified in this claim, as we think it will promote the peace of the Colony and the Public Cause. You will think of the matter and give us your advice, either with or without Compelling your brethren of the Congress as you shall Judge best.

FC ((M–Ar: 195, p. 393–394)); The RC, which has not been found, was signed by James Otis (see JA to James Otis, 23 Nov., below).


The dispute between the Council and the House over the appointment of militia officers had been an irritant for weeks (see James Warren to JA, 20 Oct., note 20, above).

Credentials of the Massachusetts Delegates to the Continental Congress, 11 November 1775 Massachusetts House of Representatives Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates JA Adams, Samuel Cushing, Thomas Paine, Robert Treat Hancock, John Credentials of the Massachusetts Delegates to the Continental Congress, 11 November 1775 Massachusetts House of Representatives Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates Adams, John Adams, Samuel Cushing, Thomas Paine, Robert Treat Hancock, John
Credentials of the Massachusetts Delegates to the Continental Congress

Watertown, 11 November 1775. (Misc. Papers of the Continental Congress, Reel No. 8). Although the credentials as passed by the house bear the date 10 November, the Journal of the House of Representatives (1775–1776, 2d sess., p. 269–270) indicates that they were passed on 11 November and immediately concurred in by the Council.

These credentials extended the appointments of JA, Samuel Adams, Thomas Cushing, Robert Treat Paine, and John Hancock as members of the Massachusetts delegation from 31 December 1775 to 31 January 1776. The one-month extension was an interim measure to allow the General Court, which adjourned on 11 November, to consider changes in the delegation at its next session beginning on 29 November. When new credentials, to be in effect until 1 January 1777, were adopted on 18 January 1776, the delegation was retained intact with the exception of the moderate Thomas Cushing, who was replaced by Elbridge Gerry (same, 3d sess., p. 165).

(Misc. Papers of the Continental Congress, Reel No. 8).

To John Thomas, 13 November 1775 JA Thomas, John To John Thomas, 13 November 1775 Adams, John Thomas, John
To John Thomas
Philadelphia Novr. 13th 1775 Sir

I am much obliged to you for two Letters one by the Committee:1 the other dated Novr. 1.

The subject of the first is not yet determined in Congress, but I have no doubt your Desires will be complied with.2

As soon as I received the last I waited on Dr. Morgan and shewed your Letter, together with one from Mr. Gordon and a very sensible one from Dr. Hayward relative to the same subject.3 Mr. Aspinwall 294was known to Dr. Morgan, and well esteemed. Of this Gentleman I know nothing but by Character. Dr. Hayward I know personally and highly esteemed.

I hope, that neither Aspinwall nor Hayward will be removed, but it will depend much on the Representations of Dr. Morgan, which I dare say will not be against Either of them. No doubt he will think two surgeons necessary at Roxbury, and represent accordingly and then Congress will probably establish them.

You may depend upon the little in my Power at all Times, to assist Merit and promote the service. As Congress has made the Postage of Letters, free4 I hope to receive more frequent Intelligence from my Friends for the future, and you may be assured sir, that every Line from you will be peculiarly acceptable to, sir your most obedient sert

John Adams

The Sum total of all Intelligence from England is that the first Man5 is “unalterably determined, Let the Event and Consequences be what they will to compell the Colonies to absolute Obedience.” Poor, deluded Man!

RC (MHi: John Thomas Papers); addressed: “To General Thomas Roxbury favoured by Dr Morgan”; docketed: “Mr. J. Adams Letter 13. Nov.”


Thomas to JA, 24 Oct. (above), was carried by the congressional committee that had visited Massachusetts in October.


Probably Thomas' desire to see Richard Gridley replaced.


William Gordon to JA, 25 Oct., containing an enclosure from Dr. Lemuel Hayward, and Hayward to JA, 1 Nov. (both above).


On 8 Nov. the congress had resolved that all letters to and from a delegate should go “free of postage” ( JCC , 3:342).


George III. JA's contemptuous reference loses something with the passage of time, but it should be remembered that Americans still drank the health of the king and referred to “ministerial” policies and troops as a way of shifting blame away from the royal person.