Papers of John Adams, volume 4

To James Otis Sr., 29 April 1776 JA Otis, Col. James To James Otis Sr., 29 April 1776 Adams, John Otis, Col. James
To James Otis Sr.
Sir1 Philadelphia, 29 April, 1776

As the day of the general election draws nigh, I think it my duty to express my grateful acknowledgments to the honorable electors of the last year, for the honor they did me in choosing me into the council. My station in the continental Congress has made it impossible for me to attend my duty at the honorable board; and as the same cause must prevent my attendance during a great part of the ensuing year, and the dangers and distresses of the times will require the assistance of the whole number, I cannot think it becoming in me to deprive the colony of the advice of a counsellor, for the sake of keeping open a seat for me. I must therefore beg the favor of you, to make my resignation known to the two honorable Houses, and request them to choose another gentleman to that honorable seat, who will be able to discharge the duties of it.2

I am, with great respect to the two honorable Houses, Sir, your most obedient and very humble servant, John Adams

MS not found; reprinted from (JA, Works , 9:374).


JA wrote to Otis as a senior member of the Council.


Although the reasons that JA gives seem sincere and sensible enough, he may have had another motive. In the congress in late April an effort to name John Langdon of New Hampshire a naval agent did not prevail because many objected that Langdon was a member of the congress (Burnett, ed., Letters of Members , 1:434–435). A Maryland delegate, acting on the instructions from his province, sought to deny to members offices of profit under the Continental Congress and the new governments already, or soon to be, established. 152For JA's opinion of this maneuver, see JA to Samuel Chase, 14 June (below). No such resolution passed, but it has been argued that JA resigned his office out of sensitivity to the issue of plural officeholding (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 3:360–361 and discussion in the notes there). To James Warren, JA put it this way: “this is not a Time, if ever there was or can be one for Sinecures. Fill up every place. They ought to be full” (JA to Warren, 12 May, below). His inability to perform his duties seemed to weigh more heavily than the mere fact of holding more than one office; and although he thought he might have to resign his chief justiceship, he pointedly told Warren, “I shall think a little more about that and take Advice” (same). He did not resign until months later, probably hoping that he would be able to leave the congress and do the work he loved best.

From Joseph Greenleaf, 30 April 1776 Greenleaf, Joseph JA From Joseph Greenleaf, 30 April 1776 Greenleaf, Joseph Adams, John
From Joseph Greenleaf
Sr Boston April 30th. 1776

It gives me no pleasure to meddle with departments not my own. But necessity is laid upon me to inform you (for I suppose you are as yet uninform'd) That Doctr. Loyd,1 who stands charged with being an Associator, and an addressor to Gen. Gage, and who, perhaps tomorrow, will be under arrest in order to be examined and punished for said Crimes, That this same Dr. Loyd is imploy'd to put up several Chests of medicines for our army. Are not these very medicines by a resolve of our Legislative forfeited into the hands of the Colony?

Doctr. Spencer2 likewise who broke into the Store of John Leverett Esqr. in Boston and there took, stole, and from thence carried away a parcell of goods to a large amount is promoted, from being an under Surgeon in a regiment of the British barbarians to be chief Surgeon to the Gallant Capt. Manly. This is the current report in Boston, and I suppose it to be true. I must restrain my reflection on the Subject for fear of being indecent. I make no doubt but that you will make the best use of this information. I am Sr. your huml. Servt.,

Jos. Greenleaf

RC (Adams Papers).


Dr. James Lloyd, Boston physician who served the British garrison and many of its officers, but who stayed on after their evacuation. He was one of the most successful Boston physicians (Henry R. Viets, A Brief History of Medicine in Massachusetts, Boston, 1930, P. 77–78, 94–95; portrait opposite p. 72).


Probably Dr. Arthur Spencer, who left with the British troops for Halifax and was captured, but who was judged by the Massachusetts Council not “inimical to the Country” and freed on promise not to aid the enemies of the United Colonies. Spencer later did serve the American cause actively ( Naval Docs. Amer. Rev. , 4:1162; Mass. Soldiers and Sailors , 14:716).