Papers of John Adams, volume 4

From Horatio Gates, 23 August 1776 Gates, Horatio JA From Horatio Gates, 23 August 1776 Gates, Horatio Adams, John
From Horatio Gates
Dear Sir Tyonderoga 23d: August 1776

I have the Satisfaction to acquaint You that immediately after my Arrival here I appointed Mr. Rice a Major of Brigade. He is a most deserving young Man and will do Honour to the profession. The Inclosed from Lieutt. Col. Baldwin1 I have the pleasure to send You, and entreat you will endeavour to procure him the Rank he Requests. I can assure You Sir he is a most Excellent Officer, and the Only one I can depend upon here in the Engineering Branch. I must refer you to Chase for all that is worth knowing from hence. If you can hold the Enemy Fast upon Saten Island, I think there is but little likelyhood that those in Canada will be able to pass here. May Him who gives the Race to the Slow, and The Battle to the Weak, prosper Our Arms. My very Affectionate Compliments to Messrs. Adams, Gerry, Paine, &c. &c. with the most Cordial Affection, I am Dear Sir Your much Obliged & most obedt: Humble Servent

Horatio Gates

RC (Adams Papers).


This enclosure has not been found, but it, together with Gates' recommendation 489and Jeduthun Baldwin's most recent letter to JA (22 July, above), may have brought about on 3 Sept. the appointment of Baldwin as engineer with the rank of colonel ( JCC , 5:732).

To Daniel Hitchcock, 24 August 1776 JA Hitchcock, Daniel To Daniel Hitchcock, 24 August 1776 Adams, John Hitchcock, Daniel
To Daniel Hitchcock
Sir Philadelphia August 24. 1776

Yours of the Twenty Second is before me. You mention, the Delicacy of appointing, an Officer of the Same State over another. And you put the Case of Coll Varnum and yourself. I have been a long Time puzzled to account, for Varnums Standing on the List of Colonells before you, whom I know to be many Years older than that Gentleman, has been represented to me to be. I have heard, this young Gentleman Spoken of in Raptures as a Genius, and from all I have heard I believe his Abilities and Accomplishments to be very good. But his Years are tender in Comparason of yours, and his Education is but equal at best, how happened it then that in Arranging of Collonells, you was placed after him. I am Sure this has made a Puzzle in Some Minds here which will continue. It may possibly prevent either of you from rising so soon, as one of you would have done, if this Obstruction had not been in the Way.

The Massachusetts Bay, your Native Country, continues to act, the most odd Surprizing and unaccountable Part, respecting Officers. They have a most wonderfull Faculty of finding out Persons for Generals and Colonells of whom no Body ever heard before. Let me beg of you, in Confidence to give me your candid and explicit opinion, of the Massachusetts General and Field Officers, and point out such as have any Education, Erudition, Sentiment, Reflection Address or other Qualification or Accomplishment excepting Honour and Valour for Officers in high Rank. Who and What is General Fellows? Who and What is General Frickett, I think his name is Brickett? Who is Coll. Holman, Cary, Smith?1 There is a brave Veteran gone as a Coll. to Ticonderoga, who should have my Vote for a General, sooner than an hundred of them. I mean Aaron Willard.2

If there are any officers, young or old, among the Massachusetts Forces who have Genius, Honour, Spirit, Reflection, Science, Literature, and Breeding, do for the Lands sake, and the Armys sake, and the Province sake let me know their Names, Places of Abodes and Characters.

Your Plan for New modelling the Army may be a good one, for what I know. But I will give you more for a Plan for new modelling Massachusetts officers. I am &c.


LbC (Adams Papers); notation: “Sent.”


JA had not yet received William Tudor's account of these officers (to JA, 19 Aug., above).


Aaron Willard, despite JA's enthusiasm, remains an obscure figure, unmentioned in the Diary and Autobiography or Adams Family Correspondence for this period. Willard was named to command a regiment going to Canada and probably received his commission on 19 July ( Mass. Soldiers and Sailors , 17:380).