Papers of John Adams, volume 5

From Jonathan Hastings Jr., 25 March 1777 Hastings, Jonathan Jr. JA From Jonathan Hastings Jr., 25 March 1777 Hastings, Jonathan Jr. Adams, John
From Jonathan Hastings Jr.
Sr Boston 25th. Mar. 1777

Your Favor per Dr. Jackson of the 7 Instant1 came to hand this day. It gives me pleasure that you are upon the Committee to consider of further Regulations of the Post Office. Previous to the Regulations in the Office which took place the 5th. of October 1776, the Posts from the Southward and elsewhere arrived as punctually on the Days fixed as they were ever known to do. What Instructions the late Surveyor gave the Riders I am unable to say: But the Reason why the Mails were so long in coming from Philadelphia &c. &c. was, that the Eastern Riders returned to their respective Stages without waiting the Arrivals of the Western Mails.

Mr. Hazard the present Surveyor who will soon be at Philadelphia can make Congress fully acquainted with the Causes of Delay heretofore; and who has now regulated the Affairs of the Office so effectually as will prevent I trust any Complaints in future concerning the Delay of Intelligence.

My Allowance is so very inadequate to my necessary Trouble and Charges in keeping the Office, that I have presented a Memorial to Congress praying for a further Consideration, in which I solicit your good Offices which will be gratefully remembered and acknowledged.


I have the Pleasure to inform you that your Lady and Family were well last Lords Day. I have the Honor to be your most Obedient & very humble Servant

Jonathan Hastings junr

RC (Adams Papers).


Not found.

To James Warren, 26 March 1777 JA Warren, James To James Warren, 26 March 1777 Adams, John Warren, James
To James Warren
Philadelphia March 26. 1777

There are two ingenious Artificers, here, who have made a beautifull Field Piece of Bar Iron. The Barrs were not bound together with Hoops, like that which was made in Boston: But weldered together, and afterwards bored out. It is very light. It is a Three Pounder and weighs, no more than two hundred and twenty four Pounds. It has been tried every Way, and has stood the fullest Proof. It has been discharged Twenty times, and upon discharging it three Times successively, as fast as it could be loaded and fired, with several ounces of Powder more than the Usual Quantity, it was observed not to be heated so much as other Guns of the same Calliber commonly are when of Brass or cast Iron.

It is so light, that it may be transported about with the Utmost Ease, by a few soldiers alone without Horses, and is therefore admirably adapted for a Regimental Field Piece. The Generals Gates, Green and Mifflin, have examined it, and admire it. We are about contracting for a Number of them. They are cheaper than Brass. They carry a Ball as far and as direct. The only Objection is that they rebound too much. But this Inconvenience is easily remedied, by strengthening the Carriage. The Names of the Smiths who made it, are Wheeler and Wiley.

RC (MHi:Warren-Adams Coll.); docketed: “Mr J. Adams March 77.”

To William Tudor, 27 March 1777 JA Tudor, William To William Tudor, 27 March 1777 Adams, John Tudor, William
To William Tudor
My dear Sir War Office. March 27. 1777

I had yours by Coll Palfry last night.1 General Green is just taking his Departure so that I can, only write you a Line.

I blame you not for determining either to rise at the Bar or in the Army. I wish you to rise in both.

It is a critical, and delicate Thing to give Advice to our best 132Friends, and therefore I hope you will pay no more Attention to any that I may give you, than just to weigh it and then follow your own Inclinations.

As a Lt Coll of Artillery, you will be in the Road to Promotion, and will have an Opportunity of becoming great in the Art of War. You will not be obliged to give up your Rank or Pretensions at the Bar. This War will not last seven Years—and if it should as long as that, you may shine at the Bar afterwards, as bright as if you had never been in the Army, and brighter too. A Military Character formed early in Life, and united to the Character of a Lawyer a statesman and Civilian, will not fail in the future Circumstances of America to make a great Man.

Crane is a brave Man, and in my Opinion it will do you honour to get the better of certain Delicacies so far as to Serve under him.

As an Officer of Artillery, you will naturally get acquainted with those sciences, which are most Usefull in War—and I doubt not you will soon distinguish yourself, so as to merit Promotions.

The Branch of ordnance is most wanted in America and therefore affords the fairest opportunity of doing good and acquiring Fame.

It is not unlikely that the Pay of the Advocate may be raised but I can promise nothing, nor can I prophesy.2

RC (MHi:Tudor Papers); addressed: “Coll Tudor Judge Advocate General Morristown favd by Major General Green”; docketed: “March 27th. 1777.”


That of 23 March (above).


On 11 April the congress raised the pay of the judge advocate to sixty dollars per month ( JCC , 7:256).