Papers of John Adams, volume 5
Yours of September 19. came duely to Hand. You have raised every fifth Man to march to New York. But to what Purpose, Should you send forth Your Thousands and Tens of Thousands of Men, if they are all to run away from the Enemy when they come in Sight of them? If whole Brigades, Officers and Men are to run away, as Fellows's and Parsons's did on the fifteenth of September, throwing away their Arms, Cloaths Knapsacks and other Things that they might be the lighter and run the faster, what avail your Numbers?
All the Events of this War together have not inflamed my Breast with such a Complication of Passions, as the many late Examples of such dastardly, infamous, rascally Behaviour. It is a serious Affair, Coll Warren, think of it as you will. You have certainly promoted a Multitude of Creatures who are totally un-worthy of the Commissions they hold. The least that your House can do is to appoint a Committee instantly to inquire into the Conduct of your Officers and to discard without favour or affection, all who have dishonoured themselves and their Country.
Lincoln I hope will do better.
I am glad you have thought of Cannon, Musquets and Lead, and I hope that Sulphur is not forgotten. But I should have been better pleased if I could have learned more particularly what you have done. Cannon and Arms, are of infinite Importance. They ought not to be neglected a Single Moment, and no Expence should be Spared, to insure them in Sufficient Quantities. Salt is growing here very scarce and dear, and what We shall do for Want of it, I know not. The Cannon Founderies in Maryland Pensilvania and Connecticutt, begin to perform very well. But the great Things must be done by the Massachusetts, if by any body.
I am very sorry that the General Court, have arisen without choosing a Delegate in my Room. Of What Materials do they think that I am made? However they may do as they please, I will go home. If I were happier at Philadelphia than at home, as some People are, I would Stay here, with as stupid a Patience as they. But I am not. Besides, the melancholly Scenes, which have afflicted my family ever Since I have been here, would have induced Persons who cared more about me than the Reptiles of the 47Dust, to have relieved me, at least for a Time. But I find if I will do the Drudgery, my family may perish, with their good Will. The Members of both Houses are very happy I find with their Honours and Offices, and Profits, and very willing that I should be Sacrificed to protect them in the Enjoyment of them. If they expect that their Delegates here, should drudge till they are stupid or distracted, and their families Starve in the mean Time, they must look out for Men of fortune, who can afford it, and Men of stronger Bodies and minds too than mine, to bear it.
The Frolic to Lord Howe you have seen e'er now. It has done no Harm.
Your's of the 2nd. Instant1 I received last Night for which I am obliged to you. If any Information I can give will contribute to your Satisfaction or my Country's Good I am happy in furnishing what falls in my Observation. I agree fully with you that you was in the dark as to some Facts relative to the Transactions on Long Island and am fully Satisfied you Still remain so, or you could not suppose the Surprize there was in the Day Time; to give you a clear Idea of the Matter I must Trouble you with a Description of that part of the Country where the Enemy Landed and encamped and the Intervening Lands between that and our Lines. From the Point of Land which forms the East Side of Narrows runs a Ridge of Hills about N. E., in Length about 5 or 6 Miles covered with a thick Wood, which terminate in a Small rising Land near Jamaica, through these Hills are three Passes only, One near the Narrows, One on the Road called the flatbush Road, and One called the Bedford Road, being a cross Road from Bedford to Flatbush which lies on the Southerly Side of these Hills; these Passes are through the Mountains or Hills easily Defensible being very Narrow and the Lands High and Mountainous on each Side; these are the only Roads Which can be passed from the South Side the Hills to our Lines except a Road leading round the Easterly end of the Hills to Jamaica; on Each of these Roads were placed a Guard of 800 Men, and East of them in the Wood was placed Col. Miles with 48his Battalion to guard the Road from the S
I wish a Suit of Cloths annually may be added to the Incouragement now offerd the Soldiery to be raised in the new Army. The inhanced Price of Clothing makes the Wages small compard with the first Establishment.
I hear the Army are in future to be Supplied by Contract, I cannot think it a proper Measure, tis making it the Interest of One Man to be guilty of all Kinds of Fraud the Mind can invent; I am sure great Complaints will be made for want of proper Supplies; besides Why should this be Put into a new Channel when 'thas done very well in the Old, and why should thirteen United 50Colonies wish to throw a Loss if any should be on One Man? A Resolve I Observe fixes Rations at 8/19 of a Dollar; why should 2d. or 3d. per Diem be taken from a Soldier and put into the Pocket of a Contractor for no other Crime than easing him of the Burthen of purchasing the Articles to be supplied?
I have never heard the Result of my Application to Congress about the Trial of the supposed Murtherer of My Brother.3 I wish to know whether any Determination is made thereon.
I hope None of our Supreme Council will entertain the Tho'ts of Negotiating with Howe or making any Terms with Great Britain again; we shall ultimately Succeed, when the Period of our Deliverance will arrive is Uncertain, but our Duty must be to press forward with full Determination never to recede but if necessary with our Blood to seal the Righteousness of our Cause. Tho we may be laid in the Dust before the Scence closes our Children will bless Us and follow the Steps we have trodden till Victory crowns our Exertions and delivers our Country from Slavery. I am Sr. yr. most hl Servt
See Parsons to JA, 29 Aug., note 12 (above).
That is, the main American force on Brooklyn Heights.