Papers of John Adams, volume 6

Hezekiah Ford to the Commissioners, 25 June 1778 Ford, Hezekiah First Joint Commission at Paris JA Hezekiah Ford to the Commissioners, 25 June 1778 Ford, Hezekiah First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
Hezekiah Ford to the Commissioners
Gentlemen Nantes June 25th. 1778

As Mr. Ross,1 a Gentleman of Pennsylvania, has been kind enough to offer me a Passage on Board his Schooner, bound to Virginia; I have declined going by the Frigate; as it will be in my Power to return to the Camp sooner, this Way, than it could pos-234sibly be the other. Besides, I understand that Capt. Whipple considers his Clerk as Chaplain, and as I would not incommode, or deprive, any Gentleman of their Office willingly, I have thought proper to decline all Pretentions to the said Office, and to return you my most cordial thanks for the Letter of Recommendation you were kind enough to honour me with.2 Rest assured, Gentlemen, that this Favour shall ever impress my Mind with the deepest Sense of Gratitude; and that, while I have Time, or Opportunity, I shall always consider myself in duty bound to serve you in every Respect, my poor Capacity will admit.

As it is probable you may be desirous of sending Letters to His Excellency P. Henry, I have taken the Liberty to offer my Service, and to assure you, that such a Trust (should you think Proper to confer it on me) shall be executed with the greatest Care and Punctuality. The Schooner, I expect, will sail in about ten Days.

When I read in the London Evenning Post the Cruelty that has lately marked the Line of Gen. Howe's Conduct, in wantonly distroying the Property of Individuals up the Dalawar; my Mind was irritated to that Degree, which is scarce conceivable: and I still find in myself such a Disposition to revenge the unprovocked Injuries of my Country-men, that every Day seems an Age, while I am detained from so laudable an Imployment.

Alas! Dear Sirs, what Havock does Ambition make amongst all human Things! It is the Avarice, and Corruption, of a cruel Tyrant, that has occasioned so much blood-shed; and how much more he will occasion, God only knows. He is the Wretch, who has sacrificed so many innocent People for supporting their Rights; such Rights as they are entitled to, not only from human Contracts and the Charters granted their fore-fathers, but from the sacred Law of Nature. What will be the Result of our gracious King's Conduct no human Providence can foresee: But may the God of Justice and Avenger of Wicked Doers, shortly bring to pass a glorious Revolution, in which George shall no longer set as Ruler of the british Nation.

With an Apology for moralizing the Subject, I have the honour to be, with all imaginable respect, Gentlemen Yr. Mo Obedient Mo Obliged, & very Hble Servt.

Hez. Ford3

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); docketed: “Mr Hez. Ford. 25 June 1778 from Nantes.”

235 1.

Presumably John Ross, the American commercial agent at Nantes.


The Commissioners to Capt. Abraham Whipple, 13 June (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 4:135).


Ford later became Arthur Lee's secretary; but apparently he was no more trustworthy than John Thornton, whom he replaced (Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. , 1:539–541; see also Arthur Lee to JA, 5 July, below).

The Commissioners to Francis Coffyn, 26 June 1778 First Joint Commission at Paris JA Coffyn, Francis The Commissioners to Francis Coffyn, 26 June 1778 First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John Coffyn, Francis
The Commissioners to Francis Coffyn

Passy, 26 June 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography , 4:142–143. The Commissioners left to Coffyn's judgment the amount to be paid on a surgeon's bill, approved his proposal to transmit to America intelligence that he had obtained, and advised him either to send the unemployed sailors to serve on the frigates at Brest and Nantes or to retain them at Dunkirk to join the Alliance. Finally Coffyn was directed to execute the bond for the Alliance and to deliver the enclosed commission and instructions to Amiel.

printed: (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 4:142–143).

From John Williams, 27 June 1778 Williams, John JA From John Williams, 27 June 1778 Williams, John Adams, John
From John Williams
Sir Downing Street No. 4 27th. June 1778

Tho I have not the honor of a Parsonal acquaintance yet from your high Station and Character, and the Genteel as well as faithful conduct, you have Shewn to my Son1 who had the happiness of being Several years under your tuition, I take the liberty of Addressing you at this time, to express my Grateful Sense of your Goodness to him, and the Satisfaction I feel on hearing of your Safe arrival in France, and to congratulate you on the happy prospect of returning Peace Liberty and Safety to the Country that gave us birth I mean the united States, where my best Affections ever were, and ever well be centered. I also beg the favour to be informed, should you have any opportunity by a Safe hand, whither you know any thing of my Son's welfere and Family's, as I have not had any certain intilligence from any of them Since I was last in Paris near a year go.

The Bearer Mr. Jona. Simpson2 who left Boston with Genl. Howe, having unhappyly from his youth, and inexperence, tho naturally of a Good Disposition been induced to address a late detestable, and Jusly detested Govr. but being now a True penitent, and wishing most earnestly to return to his Country and to his Allegiance, is Going to Paris to beg the best Advice upon this important business, and I am Sure he will be happy to be hon- 236ored with your Directions. If he Should return to England I would beg to be favourd by him with what you may know of my Family. I shall leave this Kingdom as soon as a matter I have in Law can be Settled which I am in daily expectation of and indeed I have for Some Months past. I hope however it will be settled this Term. Therefore Should you have any commands here I shall be happy to receive them.

I am most Sincerely wishing you health & all posseble happiness Sir, Your much Obd. & Obld. Humble Servant

Jno. Williams

NB. Since I have wrote this above the news is Just arrived of three Ships of war belonging to France having been taken, by the English Fleet that Saild a few days ago under the command of Ad. Keppel on account of which Mr. Jona. Simpson has layd aside his intentions of going to Paris, and as my Friend who is an native of France is Just Seting out I have not time to Copy this over. Yrs. as before


RC (Adams Papers).


Jonathan Williams (1754?–1780), cousin of the Jonathan Williams who had been acting as an American commercial agent at Nantes. For further information about him and his father, former inspector general of customs at Boston, see vol. 2:104; JA, Legal Papers , 1:cxiii; and Sabine, Loyalists , 2:434.


Despite Williams' plea on his behalf, Jonathan Simpson was an ardent loyalist. A 1772 graduate of Harvard, Simpson addressed Hutchinson in 1774, fled to Halifax in 1776, was proscribed by the Massachusetts General Court in 1778, and engaged in trade with Georgia and South Carolina during the British occupation. Ordered from South Carolina in 1784 as a loyalist, Simpson ultimately returned to Boston, where he died in 1834 (Jones, Loyalists of Mass. , p. 262; Sabine, Loyalists , 2:303).