Papers of John Adams, volume 6

Benjamin Reed and Benjamin Bates to the Commissioners, 11 July 1778 Reed, Benjamin Bates, Benjamin First Joint Commission at Paris JA Benjamin Reed and Benjamin Bates to the Commissioners, 11 July 1778 Reed, Benjamin Bates, Benjamin First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
Benjamin Reed and Benjamin Bates to the Commissioners
Gentlemen Ship Boston—Port Louis.1 July 11th 1778

Whereas Jerome Cazneau, Serjeant of Marines, on board said Ship, on her Arrival in said Port, obtain'd Liberty to go on Shore, and there maliciously, and falsely represented to the French Men in general of their Abuse on board said Ship, telling them he would not return to said Ship, and injoyning and perswading those Marines and French Men who belonged to the Ship, to quit the Ship, and in every possible manner alienating their Dispositions from returning to their Duty, and that it was in his power to take every frenchman out of the Ship, and that it was his determin'd Resolution to hurt the Character of the Ship and Officers, as far as was in his power: thro' the Partiality of the General,2 (who himself says) his most Christian Majesty's Orders, to him are “to assist the Americans all that may be in his Power” at the same time encouraging the French Men who were engaged under American Regulations, to take a Choice whether to tarry, or quit the Ship. It was observed to him, our Regulations were such, that if any Man absented himself Forty Eight hours beyond the Bounds of his Liberty, unless in Case of Sickness or &c., he forfeits all Prize Money at that time due.

The Disturbance arose from a few Frenchmen's Complaint against Mr. Reed, our first Lieut, and Mr. Bates our third, for using their lawfull and proper Authority in their several Watches, with the becoming Strictness that those Stations required. And this may Certify all concerned, that all the Frenchmen on board the Boston, have been indulged in every thing, farther even than the Laws of America allowed: and that those 285Officers have the Good Will and Wishes of all on board, (Frenchmen excepted) to which with pleasure we subjoin our Names.

Benjamin Reed 1st Lieuft. Benjamin Bates 3d Lieuft.

NB The Generals Partiality to the frenchmen in general would not admit of those fore mentioned Officer's Vindication, but even forbid them to speak in their own Behalf, and hinted to Capt. Tucker that he would do as he pleased, we being under the Power of his Cannon at Port Louis. And consequently ordered they should all leave the Ship with all their Cloaths &c.

RC (“PPAmP: Franklin Papers); docketed: “Ship Boston Port Louis July nth 78.”


The outer port of Lorient.


Probably the Comte de La Touche-Tréville, later commandant of the port of Rochfort. He was probably the father of Louis René Madeleine Le Vassor, Comte de La Touche-Tréville (1745–1804), who in 1778 was a lieutenant de vaisseau and later a noted French admiral (Etat sommaire desarchives de la marine antérieures a la révolution, Paris, 1898, p. 140, 195; Hoefer, Nouv. biog. générale ). See reference to father and son in Samuel Tucker to the Commissioners, 12 July (below).

To Edmé Jacques Genet, 12 July 1778 JA Genet, Edmé Jacques To Edmé Jacques Genet, 12 July 1778 Adams, John Genet, Edmé Jacques
To Edmé Jacques Genet
Sir July 12. 1778

There are Reasons to believe, that the Story of Commissioners appointed by Congress to meet the British Commissioners, is a Forgery.1

1. Thomas Phillip Ludwell Lee,2 is mentioned as one of them, whereas there never was a Person of that Name in the Congress. There was once a Person of that Name it is true, in Virginia, a Brother of Richard Henry Lee and of Francis Light- foot Lee, two Members of Congress, and of Arthur Lee Minister Plenipotentiary from Congress to the Court of France but this Thomas Phillip Ludwell Lee has been dead, some Time.3

A blank is left for the Christian Name of Mr. xxx Adams a Member from the Massachusetts, which shews that the Writer was ignorant of it: because if this Account had been taken from any American Paper, it is improbable that this Christian Name would have been omitted because it is so well known in America, that there is at present .4

5 intelligence is derived, which renders it it would have been eager enough to have informed the World of their Vouchers, if they had any good ones.


There are others Reasons to suspect this to be a Fiction, which it is not worth while to enumerate.

I would not be understood however, to Say absolutely that the Congress will not send a Committee to meet the English Commissioners, to enquire of them what Powers they have, and to know whether they have Powers to make a Peace with America, as a Sovereign Republique, and consistent with their Treaty with France? The Answer must be know No. and it is equally certain the Reply will be “Go home then and get such Powers.”

As to a Publication of the Treaty, sir my Colleagues, are of opinion with me that it should be printed as soon as the King shall think proper. But it would perhaps be not sufficiently respectful for Us to publish it, without his Majesty's Knowledge.

John Adams

4.6 I have Seen in an English Newspaper, another Account that only three were of the Committee R. H. Lee, Mr. Carroll and Mr. Adams. This Variation in the English Accounts, Strengthens the suspicion of Fraud.

It is really a melancholly Consideration to an ingenuous Mind, to see a great Nation abandoning all Reverence for Truth, and perpetually imposing upon the World Such palpable Lyes. It is the Duty, it is the Interest of every human Being that the keenest sense of Detestationand Contempt, should be cultivated in every human Mind: But the English are doing all they can to confound the Distinctions between Truth and Falshood, and to make a Lye to be respected as much as the Truth.

J. Adams

RC (PWacD: Feinstone Coll., on deposit PPAmP). This MS was severely damaged by fire with the resulting loss of a significant number of words.


This letter resulted from comments Genet attached to the end of his letter to Benjamin Franklin of 10 July (PU: Franklin Papers). The body and postscript of this letter are almost identical to his letter to JA of the 10th (above), but the additional comments called for a reply to or clarification of a report on the appointment of five commissioners by the congress that Genet had seen in the Courier de l'Europe of 3 July, and which he thought was very likely a “Lye.” Franklin apparently showed Genet's letter to JA, who docketed it “Mr Genet.”

The report on the appointment by congress of commissioners, which was indeed false, also appeared in the London Chronicle of 2–4 July and was purportedly taken from a letter written at Nantes to a London merchant. It stated that five commissioners—Charles Carter of Caritowman, Philip Ludwell Lee, Charles Carroll, Matthew Tilghman, and —— Adams—— had been appointed to “treat with our Commissioners, if the latter will declare them independent; if not, the rebel Commissioners have instructions to return to Congress.” Neither Carter nor Lee had served in the Continental Congress.


Philip Ludwell Lee died in 1775, and 287Thomas Ludwell Lee, his brother, whom JA at first mistook for Philip, died in 1778 (Cazenove Gardner Lee Jr., Lee Chronicle, N.Y., 1957, p. 348–349).


Extracts from this paragraph and those below beginning with “I would not be understood” and “4” were translated into French and formed the body of “Réponse au banquier de Londres par son correspondent américain” in Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amérique, “Lettres,” vol. 11, cahier 48, p. xix–xi.


It is likely that this paragraph, from which over one line of text is missing, was originally designated “2,” the number being obliterated by the fire damage.


An entire line is missing at this point, probably the first line of a paragraph designated as “3.”


In the margin, opposite the “4,” is an “X,” apparently intended to indicate that it was to be inserted after “3.” The corresponding “X” at the intended point of insertion was probably obliterated by fire damage.