Papers of John Adams, volume 6

324 To William Vernon Sr., 27 July 1778 JA Vernon, William Sr. To William Vernon Sr., 27 July 1778 Adams, John Vernon, William Sr.
To William Vernon Sr.
Sir Passi July 27. 1778

Your Letter of 26 May with Duplicats of those of 9 March and 20 May, arrived safe at Passy by the Hand of Captn. Barnes the day before Yesterday. The two Letters for your Son shall be conveyed, by the first Opportunity to him, who has taken his Residence, at a Manufacturing Town in the Province of Guienne, where he will have an Opportunity to learn the Language, and see the first Springs of Commerce. He proposes soon to remove to Bourdeaux. Your son, sir, while I was with him conducted, with much Discretion and very agreably: and I have no doubt he will continue to do so.

I am extreamly mortified at the Relation you give of the Conduct of Captain Thompson of the Rawley, of whose Abilities, and Qualifications for his Command I had a good opinion. I really know not the Cause, but the Continental officers of the Navy, have not answerd the Public Expectation. Discipline is the soul of a Navy. With it every Thing may be done—without it nothing. The Want of Discipline gives our Commanders a Diffidence in their Crews, from whence I fear proceeds the Dread of Fighting, that has appeared so often. The Voice of the World is very Severe against Thompson, but perhaps the Facts are not sufficiently, which I sincerely wish may be the Case.

The News Papers are very acceptable and very Usefull. My Compliments to your Colleages and to Mr. Story.1 I am sir with great Respect, your humble & Obedient servant.

LbC (Adams Papers).


That is, to the other members of the Naval Board for the Eastern Department and the secretary or clerk of that body, William Storey (see references to Storey in that capacity in JCC , 11:735, 747).

Thomas Simpson to the Commissioners, 27 July 1778 Simpson, Thomas First Joint Commission at Paris JA Thomas Simpson to the Commissioners, 27 July 1778 Simpson, Thomas First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
Thomas Simpson to the Commissioners
May it please your Honours Brest July 27th. 1778

I wrote you from Nantes that I had arrived there, and was to take my passage for America in the Providence, the 25. Mr. Livingston arriving from Paris informed me that you had appointed him to the command of the Ranger, but on Captain Jones delivering up my parole, you were pleased to honour me with that appointment.


Your Honours letters to Captain Whipple, and Mr. Schweighasser1 coming to their hands advising them of it, and that I was to obey Captain Whipple's instructions, he ordered me the 24th to proceed immediately for Brest, to take the command of the Ranger, and to get her ready for sea immediately, with not less than three months provissions on board. Mr. Schweighasser also gave me a letter to his friend here to supply me with every necessary I shou'd want for that purpose. I set out from Nantes the 24th in the evening, and arrived here the 26th. Find the Ship near ready, wanting a few stores, and her bottom to be cleaned for which only a few days will be required. Captain Whipple, and Mr. Schweighasser recommended my entring thirty or forty of the prisoners if possible to serve in the Boston, which I shall endeavour to do, and make no doubt I shall succeed. As soon as possible, shall procure a State of the Ranger in regard to her stores, and forward you. The prizes are not yet sold, Mr. Schweighasser has been kind enough to say, if their value cou'd be nearly ascertained, he will advance the money for the Ships company, which will set every thing on a proper footing.

I have the pleasure to inform you that your appointment affords the greatest satisfaction to Officers, and men. And am with gratitude for the trust you have been pleased to repose in me Your Honours, most Obedient and very humble Servant.

Thom Simpson

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); addressed: “The Honourable Commissioners from the United States of America At Passi”; stamped: “BREST”; docketed: “Brest July 27. Mr Simpsons. Lett.”; in another hand after the date: “78.”


Letters to Schweighauser and Whipple Those of 16 July (both calendared above).