Papers of John Adams, volume 6

C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 28 July 1778 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris JA C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 28 July 1778 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners
La haie 28e. Juillet 1778

Voilà, Messieurs, la quintessence de douze pages Hollandoises in folio, que je viens de par courir.1 Les dépêches de Cologne, Paris, Elseneur, Hambourg, Bruxelles, Londres, et Smyrne ne contiennent rien qui puisse vous interesser.

On a ici la nouvelle sure d'une suspension d'armes en Allemagne jusqu'au ier. d'Août; et lon croit généralement que la paix s'ensuivra. Le Roi a fait venir ses principaux Ministres à Glatz2 pour examiner de nouvelles propositions faites par la Cour de Vienne.

J'ai porté ce matin une Copie du Traité que le g—— F—— a fait faire par ses commis, et où l'on a omis les articles 11 et 12, au G—— P——. Il m'a reçu poliment, et promis de ne pas le laisser répandre, jusqu'à ce que vous m'ayiez écrit qu'il peut être publié. Il m'a demandé ce que je pensois du succès qu'auroit la Commission Britannique en Amérique. J'ai répondu que j'étois sur qu'il seroit mauvais. Il m'a demandé ce que je pensois de la négociation du Ms. d'Almodovar;3 j'ai dit que cela me paroissoit le dernier effort de la maison de Bourbon pour conserver la paix, et que je ne doutois nullement d'un parfait accord entre la France et l'Espagne. Il étoit de mon sentiment sur l'un et l'autre article. Enfin il me demanda si vous ne m'aviez rien mandé de l'état interne des choses en Amérique. Je sentis ce qu'il vouloit dire, et lui répondis que j'étois chargé de déclarer, que la plus parfaite union regnoit parmi le Congrès et dans les differents Etats; que ce qu'on débitoit de la mésintelligence entre le Congrès et le Général W. étoit la plus insigne Imposture, et que l'Amérique ne feroit point la paix, si la France n'y étoit comprise, et son Traité avec elle approuvé.

J'ai aussi envoyé Mr. Van Berkel le Pensionaire d'Amsterdam, une pareille Copie, avec la Lettre dont voici copie.

La h. 27 Juillet 1778

“M. chargé par Mrs. les Plenipotentiaires des Etats Unis de l'Amérique de vous faire parvenir la Copie ci-jointe du Traité d'Amitié et de Commerce conclu entre la France et les dits Etats, avec le témoignage de la haute estime et considération qu'ils ont pour Vous en particulier et pour tous les honorables membres de la Régence d'Amsterdam en général; je m'acquitte de ces ordres avec toute la satisfaction et l'empressement que me 329dicte mon respectueux attachement aux intérêsts de cette Republique Mrs. les Plenipotentiaires vous prient de vouloir ne communiquer ce Traité que de maniere qu'il ne puisse s'en répandre des Copies, jusqu'à-ce qu'ils m'aient écrit qu'il peut être publie, et entre les mains de tout le monde. J'ai porté ce matin à Mr. le G—— P—— une copie pareille, avec la meme priere. Je joins à cela une proclamation du Congres,4 que je viens de recevoir, et dont je pense que la Communication vous fera plaisir. Elle va paroître dans les Gazettes en françois et hollandois, et doit autant satisfaire les Puissances maritimes, qu'elle fait honneur à l'équité et à la sagesse du Congrès.”

La Poste va partir. Il ne me reste qu'un instant pour vous présenter les assurances du respect avec lequel je suis Messieurs Votre très humble & très obéissant serviteur


Les Etats d'Hollande se rassembleront ici le 26 Août.

C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners: A Translation, 28 July 1778 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris JA C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners: A Translation, 28 July 1778 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners: A Translation
The Hague, 28 July 1778

Here, Gentlemen, is the substance of twelve pages in folio, in Dutch, that I have just skimmed through.1 The dispatches from Cologne, Paris, Elsinore, Hamburg, Brussels, London, and Smyrna contain nothing of interest to you.

One has here reliable reports of a suspension of arms in Germany until 1 August; and it is generally thought that peace will follow. The King has summoned his chief Ministers to Glatz2 examine some new proposals made by the Court of Vienna.

This morning I took a copy of the treaty, made by the assistants of the Grand Facteur and omitting articles 11 and 12, to the Grand Pensionary. He received me politely and promised not to circulate it until you have written me that it can be published. He asked me what I thought of the British Commission's chances for success in America. I answered that I was certain that they were very poor. He then asked me what I thought of the negotiation initiated by the Marquis d'Almodovar;3 I said that it appeared to me to be the last effort of the House of Bourbon to maintain the peace, and that I had no doubts concerning a perfect agreement between France and Spain. He shared my opinion on both matters. Finally, he asked me if you had told me anything about the internal state of affairs in America. I guessed what he meant and told him that I was directed to declare that the most perfect harmony existed in both the congress and the various states; that what was alleged about a misunderstanding between the congress and General Washington was a most flagrant case of slander; and that America would not make peace if France was not included and the Franco-American treaty approved.


I also sent a similar copy to Mr. van Berckel, the Pensionary of Amsterdam, with a letter of which a copy is enclosed.

“Sir The Hague, 27 July 1778

I was directed by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America to convey the enclosed copy of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce concluded between France and the aforementioned states to you along with their expression of the high esteem and regard in which they hold you in particular and all the Honorable Members of the Regency of Amsterdam in general. I fulfill this mission with all the satisfaction and eagerness that inspires my respectful attachment to the interests of this Republic. The Plenipotentiaries kindly request you to communicate this treaty only in such a way that copies will not be circulated until they have written me that it may be published and placed before everybody. This morning, I took an identical copy to the Grand Pensionary with the same request. I enclose with it a proclamation of the congress,4 which I have just received, and whose communication will, I think, please you. It will appear in the gazettes, in French and Dutch, and ought to satisfy the maritime powers all the more since it is a tribute to the equity and wisdom of the congress.”

The mail is about to leave. I have but an instant to present to you assurances of the respect with which I am, gentlemen, your very humble and very obedient servant


The Dutch States General will reconvene here on 26 August.

RC (MH-H: Lee Papers); addressed: “A Leurs Excellences Messieurs les Plénipotentiaires des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique Paris.”


Departing from his usual practice, Dumas filled two-thirds of the first page of this letter with extracts from dispatches dated 11 July from Vienna and on 16 July from the Bavarian city of Ratisbon (now Regensburg, West Germany). The first reported on the disposition of the Austrian army, meetings between the minister from Saxony and Prince Kaunitz, and the voyage of a vessel fitted out at Trieste to India and Africa. The second stated that the constituent states of the German Empire had been informed that the Emperor considered those favoring the Russian party as his enemies.

Dumas' letter of 31 July (PPAmP: Franklin Papers), which reported on desertions from the Dutch army and efforts to secure publication of news sent by the Commissioners, contained extracts from seven additional dispatches. The first, from London, dated 21 July, described events in America as reported by a recently returned British officer. From St. Petersburg on 3 July, Paris on 19 July, and Madrid on 6 July came reports on a possible Russo-Turkish war, the French fleet at Brest, the capture of two Guernsey privateers, and the arrival at Cadiz of the fleet from Vera Cruz. Those from Berlin of 18 and 21 July and Vienna of 15 July contained additional information on the Austro-Prussian conflict over Bavaria.


Glatz (now Klodzko, Poland) was a strongly fortified town in the Prussian province of Silesia on the border with Bohemia.


The ill-fated effort by Spain to mediate between France and Britain on the condition that for its neutrality, Spain would receive Gibraltar (Bemis, Diplomacy of the Amer. Revolution , p. 78–79).


Probably the congress' proclamation of 9 May concerning the conduct to be observed by privateers toward neutral ships ( JCC , 11:486). For its publication, see, for example, the Gazette de Leyde of 31 July.