Papers of John Adams, volume 6

Titus Ogden to the Commissioners, July 1778 Ogden, Titus First Joint Commission at Paris JA Titus Ogden to the Commissioners, July 1778 Ogden, Titus First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
Titus Ogden to the Commissioners
Gentlemen L'Orient July 1778

Pardon the freedom I take in thus addressing your honours unknown but as an American I trust you will not take it amiss.

On my arrival here the begining of april in the Ship Harmony Hall loaded with Tobacco &c. I was boarded by a Mr. Moylan who shewed my me yours letters impowering him to act as Agent here on which account I consigned my vessell and Cargo to him and must confess the dispatch attended with little expence with which he repaired loaded and procured a convoy for my ship has given me the highest opinion of his abilities indeed 337in every action I have seen of his he has prooved himself the honest man and a stedfast friend of America.

On the arrival of the Boston with Two prises I was astonished at a foriner a Mr. Puchelberg1 who does not speak English and a man very little known here claiming the agency of this place by an apointment from Mr. Shwighauser of Nantes.

On my arrival here he Mr. Puchelberg was very assiduous in shewing me pattern of goods and offerd to procure me any quantity at the expence of 2 pet. I gave him a small order and have enclosed you his bill of parcells that you may see the Gentleman knows well how to Charge.

I could wish for the interest of my Country that the gentlemans claim may be found wrong as I am convinced it wou'd be pleasing to the rest of my countrymen as well as to me to have trust placed in the hands of a man of Mr. Moylans character.

I cannot likewise help observing that men of our own country in such a Situation are most likely to give content than a man who neither understands the language nor the manner of the People. I am Gentlemen with the greatest regard your most obdient humble servt.

Titus Ogden Mercht. from New Bern North Carolina

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); addressed: “To the Honble. the Plenipotentary Ministers from America at Passi near Paris”; docketed, not by JA: “Titus Ogden L'Orient July 78” postal marking: “L'ORIENT.”


For Puchelberg & Co. and its relationship with J. D. Schweighauser, see its letter of 24 Aug. to the Commissioners (below).

To Edmé Jacques Genet, 1 August 1778 JA Genet, Edmé Jacques To Edmé Jacques Genet, 1 August 1778 Adams, John Genet, Edmé Jacques
To Edmé Jacques Genet
Saturday Morning. Aug. 1. 1778

M. Adams is not able to inform Monsieur Genet, the precise Date of the inclosed Law.1 It was made in the Course of the last Winter, in the Month of January, as Mr. Adams believes. He remembers it began to be carried into Execution, the Beginning of February immediately before his Embarkation, for Europe.

Monsieur Genet, will observe that it is not a Simple Resolution, but a Solemn Act of the Legislature in all its Branches, and cloathed with all the Formalities of a perpetual Law.

M. A. has the Honour to congratulate Monsieur Genet, upon the glorious News from Brest. He thinks it a most important, and in all human Probability a decisive Event. He wishes most 338sincerely that the Compte D'Estaing may have acquired as much Glory, as M. the C. D'orvilliere's and that a few days may make Us happy in the News of it.

M. Adams requests M. Genet, for the future to write to him, in French, which he supposes will be easier for M. Genet, and M. A. wishes to read every Thing in French for the present.

RC (PWacD: Feinstone Coll., on deposit PPAmP.)


Genet had enclosed a “resolution” in a letter to JA of 29 July (Adams Papers) and requested its date. Although the enclosure has not been found, it was probably “An Act for Prescribing and Establishing an Oath of Fidelity and Allegiance,” which was adopted by the Massachusetts General Court on 3 Feb. (Mass., Province Laws , 5:770–772).