Papers of John Adams, volume 6

James Moylan to the Commissioners, 4 May 1778 Moylan, James First Joint Commission at Paris JA James Moylan to the Commissioners, 4 May 1778 Moylan, James First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
James Moylan to the Commissioners
Honorable Gentlemen L'Orient 4th May 1778

This morning arrived here the Schooner Milford Cap: Blackwell from Rapahanac River in Virginia after a passage of 33 days; she has not brought any letters for you, or public papers of any kind, but the Captain tells me that the new levies were compleated in Virginia and that they were to march a few days after the 28th. of March to General Washington's Camp about 16 miles 81from Philadelphia, in which City General Howe still continued. That the people were in good spirits and that the army was tolerably well cloath, but that all the Ports were blocked by English Frigates. This is all the information I procur'd worth your notice. I have the honor to be Honble. Gentlemen Your assurd etc. etc.

James Moylan

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); addressed: “To the Honorable Plenipotentiary Ministers of the United States of America.”; docketed: “M. Moylan 4. May. 1778.”

Vergennes to the Commissioners, 4 May 1778 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de First Joint Commission at Paris JA Vergennes to the Commissioners, 4 May 1778 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de First Joint Commission at Paris Adams, John
Vergennes to the Commissioners

Versailles, 4 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:308 (French); 4:90 (JA's translation). Vergennes announced that JA would be presented to Louis XVI on 8 May and invited the Commissioners to dine with him on that day.

For JA's account of his presentation, see Diary and Autobiography , 2:309–310; 4:92–93. JA informed Arthur Lee of Vergennes' announcement and invitation in a letter of 5 May (MH-H: Lee Papers). The Commissioners acknowledged Vergennes' letter and accepted his invitation in a letter to him of the 6th (Dft, PPAmP: Franklin Papers).

printed: (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:309–310; 4:92–93).