Papers of John Adams, volume 7

392 John Lloyd to the Commissioners, 4 February 1779 Lloyd, John Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur JA First Joint Commission at Paris John Lloyd to the Commissioners, 4 February 1779 Lloyd, John Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur Adams, John First Joint Commission at Paris
John Lloyd to the Commissioners
Nantes feby. 4. 1779

The Letter which Your Honors have been pleased under date of the 26th of last month, to address to several American Gentlemen, came duly to hand.

Although I am not authorized to reply to it, nevertheless I should think, there would be a failure in the points of respect, and politeness, if the receipt of it, was not acknowledged. The reason why it is not done jointly, I believe proceeds from the Gentlemens being disinclined to give any advice, upon the head of the Free Ports. The subject is important, and as the Commerce of all the States is interested therein, I imagine they apprehend that they might be justly censured by their Countrymen should they presume to say what Your Honors ought to do in the matter.

The weather is become very moderate, and I hope in the course of a few days the River will be so free of Ice, as to permit the Vessels to be got ready for Sea.

With great respect I have the honor to be Your Honors Most Obedt. Serv,

John Lloyd

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); docketed, not by JA: “Merchts. Nantes about Free Ports.”

From John Boylston, 6 February 1779 Boylston, John JA From John Boylston, 6 February 1779 Boylston, John Adams, John
From John Boylston
Dear Sir Feby. 6th. 1779

Least it might possibly have escap'd the joynt notice of you and your Most worthy Colleague Doctr. Fr——k——d I tho't it most needful to inform you that from publick reports as also private opinions the Friends of A——m——a have but too much reason to fear that you have about you insidious and dangerous Parricides in the Persons of Freres Lee Men who readily adopt any Measures which may promote their own interest tho' derogatory to that of their parent Country whose In——d——ce intirely depends on a Harmony and Unity of Sentiment.1

Self preservation being the first Law and it being necessary to eat to live I heartily wish that no person whose indigent circumstances may expose them to corruption or Stock Gambling, may be in any manner employ'd by you C——ng——ss during the continuance of this present dispute.

Pray be pleas'd to acquaint G. Tailer that I advise him to return home by the very first opportunity for as poverty is shun'd as contagious he will not find a single friend when reduc'd to a single shilling. 393When I wrote you my wishes to assist him I meant with your advice only.2 My best wishes attend you and your most worthy—being with great esteem Dr. Sr.

RC (Adams Papers).


Boylston is referring to Silas Deane's charges against the Lees in his address “To the Free and Virtuous Citizens of America,” which appeared serially in the 26–28 and 28–30 Jan. issues of the London Chronicle; an extract was printed in the Courier de l'Europe of 2 Feb.


For William Taylor see Boylston's letter of 5 Jan. (above).