Papers of John Adams, volume 7

The Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes, 26 September 1778 Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur JA First Joint Commission at Paris Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de The Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes, 26 September 1778 Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur Adams, John First Joint Commission at Paris Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de
The Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes
Sir Passi September 26. 1778

We had last Evening the Honour of your Excellencys Letter of the twenty fourth of this Month, in Answer to ours of the twenty Eighth ultimo relative to the Liberty for Americains to pass through this Kingdom with their Effects, in their Way home, Duty free, inclosing Copy of a Letter from Mr. Necker to your Excellency, upon the same subject. We shall take the Liberty to pursue the Rules prescribed by M. Necker as there may be occasion.1

At the same Time We had the Honour of your Excellencys Letter of the Twenty fifth,2 relative to Mr. Izzards Goods. The Question, your Excellency mentions, We apprehend cannot arise in this Case, whether an Ennemys ship makes Ennemies Merchandises, because by the Sixteenth Article3 of the Treaty of Commerce, your Excellency 78will recollect, that an Exception is made of Such Goods and Merchandises as were put on board such ships before the Declaration of War, or after such Declaration, if so be it were done without Knowledge of such Declaration. Ignorance of the Declaration of War not to be pleaded, after two Months.

Mr. Izzards Goods, were shipped, before any Declaration of War, or at least two Months had not passed away, after the first Appearances4 of War, and before they were shipped.

We have referred Mr. Izzard to his Excellency, M. de Sartine, and shall have the Honour to apply to him ourselves, according to your Excellencys Advice as early as possible.5 We have the Honour to be, with the most perfect Consideration, your Excellencys most obedient and most humble servants

Arthur Lee John Adams

N.B. Dr. Franklin is in the Country.

A. Lee

RC in JA's hand (Arch. Aff. Etr., Paris, Corr. Pol., E.-U., vol. 4); docketed: “transit des effets des Amèricains retournant en Amerique.” LbC (Adams Papers).


Vergennes' letter and its enclosure are not printed, but see James Smith to the Commissioners, 24 Aug., and note 3, where the date of Vergennes' letter is given erroneously as 26 rather than 24 Sept. (vol. 6:389–392). For the Commissioners' letter to Vergennes of 28 Aug., see vol. 6:401–405.


Not printed, but see Izard to the Commissioners, 21 Sept. (above).


The Commissioners here follow the American practice of referring to the articles of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce as originally numbered, before the deletion of Arts. 11 and 12. By this date the French practice, however, was to refer to the articles as numbered after the removal of the two articles, thus making the original Art. 16 the new Art. 14 (see Miller, ed., Treaties , 2:32). Subsequent editorial references to the articles will follow the revised numbering.


In the Letterbook copy the preceding two words were interlined as a replacement for “Declaration,” which was deleted.


No reply from Vergennes has been found, but the Commissioners also asked for restoration of Ralph Izard's merchandise in a letter to Sartine of this same date (LbC, Adams Papers), to which Sartine replied on 7 Oct. (below).

From John Bondfield, 26 September 1778 Bondfield, John JA From John Bondfield, 26 September 1778 Bondfield, John Adams, John
From John Bondfield
Sir Bordeaux 26 Sep. 1778

By last post I receivd your favor of the 15th. Instant.1 I have forwarded your Letter to Mr. William Vernon at Montaban and have wrote him to set off with all diligence for Paris. I hope the short time he has been up the Country will have contributed to render his services to you more useful. I have remitted him fifty Pounds to defray his Expences. He has receivd a Letter from Mr Hayley of London to value on him for £100 sterling as he wants it. He has been amongst 79some of my freinds whose example I am convincd have made no ill impression on his Conduct, they are People of high esteemation in that Country. I have drawn on you as advised in my General Letter2 of this Day for 888.12 amount of the little adventure shipt Per the Boston to which you will please to let due honor be given.

I apprehend the Packets from America must have been intercepted otherways some would have come to hand. To your Commands at any time for Articles you may desire to ship for your family of my attention permit me to make to you my strongest Assurance.

I am with great Respect Sir Your very hbl Servant

John Bondfield

RC (Adams Papers).


Not printed, but see JA to William Vernon, 15 Sept., note 1 (above).


No letter from Bondfield to the Commissioners of this date has been found. For the goods shipped on the Boston, see JA to Samuel Tucker, 29 April, and note 3 (vol. 6:73). JA sent Bondfield a bill of exchange for 888.12 livres on 25 May, which was paid by Ferdinand Grand on 17 Oct. (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:329; Commissioners' Accounts, 9 Aug. – 12 Nov. , vol. 6:359–362).