Papers of John Adams, volume 8

From Benjamin Rush, 19 August 1779 Rush, Benjamin JA From Benjamin Rush, 19 August 1779 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John
From Benjamin Rush
My Dear sir Philada. Augt 19. 1779

The same Opinion of your Abilities and Zeal for our country which made me rejoice in your accepting of an embassy to France, leads me to rejoice with most of your countrymen in your Safe return to your native Shores. I am sure you cannot be idle nor unconcerned 'till the Vessel in which our All is embarked is safely moored. We stand in greater Need than ever of men of your principles. You may be much more useful here than you could have been in the cabinet of Lewis 16th. I reprobate the time and manner in which you were recalled. But I have seen — and felt too much of the indelicacy of the Congress to their faithful Servants to be surprised at their behaviour to you.1 It is to be hoped that2 All is for the best. And that all will end well.

I beg leave now to Acknowledge the receipt of two letters from you, the One just before you sailed from Boston and the Other dated at Passy in France. The last contained intelligence of an interesting nature which I published,3 and which the conduct of the Court of Britain has proved to be true. I was not unmindful of you in your Absence— But had the misfortune of hearing that a very long and particular letter which I wrote to you last winter4 was thrown into the Sea to prevent its falling into the hands of the enemy. I would have wrote a second and a third time, but knowing Something of the cabals of Congress respecting their commissioners, I was afraid my letters would have reached Paris while you were on your passage to America.

I congratulate you upon the present favourable complexion of our Affairs both in Europe and in this Country. Divine providence has saved us in Spite of all that we have done to ruin Ourselves. It would require a Volume to give a history of the political proceedings within and out of doors last winter in our city. The Continental money is now breathing its last among us. Our committees have added their illegal and unconstitutional Violence to the ignorance and negligence of the Congress in order to destroy it.5 Nine tenths of our Contracts now are in gold and silver—Sterling money — or the produce of the Country. The laws of the state prohibiting the circulation of hard money are as much trambled on as the regulations of our committees.


With best compts. to Mrs. Adams I am my Dear sir your sincere and Affectionate friend

Benjn. Rush

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “The Honble. John Adams Esqr. at Braintree near Boston”; franked: “free E Gerry”; docketed: “Dr. Rush Aug 19. 1779.”


Rush is probably lamenting here the failure of the congress to act upon his recommendations for improving hospital service, which led finally to his resignation as physician general in Jan. 1778 (vol. 5:318–319; Benjamin Rush, Letters , 1:199–200).


The previous six words in this sentence and “that” in the following sentence were interlined.


Those of 8 Feb. 1778 (vol. 5:402) and 6 Dec. 1778 (above, and see note 4).


Presumably that of 27 Oct. 1778 (above).


A reference to popular committee actions to curb price rises and stop the monopolization of goods as a way to protect the currency. In Pennsylvania these efforts were mounted by those who supported the state's extremely democratic constitution. Rush was a vigorous opponent of that document (Robert L. Brunhouse, The Counter-Revolution in Pennsylvania, 1776–1790, Harrisburg, 1942, p. 68–72). As “Leonidas” in the Pennsylvania Packet, 3 July 1779, Rush lectured the congress on the shortcomings of its fiscal policies (Benjamin Rush, Letters , 1:229–237).

From Horatio Gates, 20 August 1779 Gates, Horatio JA From Horatio Gates, 20 August 1779 Gates, Horatio Adams, John
From Horatio Gates
Sir Providence,1 August 20th 1779

Had I not expected you here before this Time, on your Way to Philadelphia, where I conceived your safe and speedy Arrival must be anxiously wished for by all Patriots, you would, long since, have received a congratulatory Letter from me. It would have been congratulatory indeed; for, whatever Station you maybe in, I firmly believe, Sir, you will prove eminently useful to your Country. Your Return will render abortive many Machinations against her.

I stand indebted to your Kindness for the Receipt of a very sensible Letter, signed Jean Clement, dated Paris the 2nd of June last, the Writer of which informs me that, should I not recollect his Hand-writing, you will explain the Particulars. I should be glad to know from you, whether Counsellor Edmund Jennings, of Maryland, be the Writer.2

Believe, Dear Sir, that it will be a singular Happiness to me, if ever I can give you Proofs of the affectionate Respect of Your most obedient humble Servant

Horatio Gates

RC (Adams Papers); the addressee's name, inscribed at the bottom of the letter, is given inadvertently as “Honourable Samuel Adams.”


On 22 Oct. 1778, the congress had appointed Gates as commander of the eastern district ( JCC , 12:1038).


For Jenings' use of the pseudonym Jean Clement, see his letters to JA of 10 March, and note 12, and ca. 6 June (both above).