Papers of John Adams, volume 8

From Arthur Lee, 29 March 1779 Lee, Arthur JA From Arthur Lee, 29 March 1779 Lee, Arthur Adams, John
From Arthur Lee
Dear Sir March 29th. 1779

I receivd your favor by Mr. Blodget and thank you.1 It seems uncertain where or how this will find you, therefore I shall not enclose the Cypher. When I know where a private hand may find you, I will send it so as to be secure. A person is nominated to take the place of the great man at Philada. who will leave it upon his arrival.2 You will probably get thither before him. We have no other local news. The report from England is, that Count d'Estaign is blockt up in Martinique;3 and that the Royalists have gaind a victory in Georgia. The first I am afraid is too true; the last as it comes thro N. York, it is to be hopd, is only a repetition of what we have already heard. Things look ominous—but we must hope the best. Adieu.

RC (Adams Papers).


24 March (above).


A reference to Chevalier Anne César de la Luzerne's appointment to replace Conrad Alexandre Gérard as French minister to the United States. La Luzerne, however, was apparently not officially ap-19pointed until 5 April (William Emmett O'Donnell, The Chevalier de la Luzerne, Louvain, 1938, p. 42). JA may not have known to whom Lee was referring until he received Benjamin Franklin's letter of 24 April (below). Yet Arthur Lee learned in Jan. 1779 that La Luzerne was to replace Gérard, for in a journal entry for the 24th, he wrote that “a gentleman of rank” had informed him that Luzerne had been named the new French minister, but “desired me to keep the information secret, as it was not yet known at Passy” (R. H. Lee, Arthur Lee , 1:407).

La Luzerne, who enjoyed considerable success as minister to the United States, began his career in the military, but in 1776 accepted appointment to the Bavarian Court, where he remained until mid-1778, spending his last months deeply involved in the controversy over the Bavarian succession. Taking up his duties in America in Sept. 1779, he served until June 1784. In 1788 he was appointed ambassador to Great Britain, serving there until his death in 1791 (O'Donnell, Chevalier de la Luzerne, p. 40–42; Hoefer, Nouv. biog. générale ; Repertorium der diplomatischen Vertreter aller Länder , p. 110, 144, 118). For JA's sketch of La Luzerne, see his letter to the president of the congress, 3 Aug. (below).


For such a report, see the London Chronicle, 25–27 March. After the loss of St. Lucia at the end of Dec. 1778, Estaing went to Martinique to refit and await reinforcements from France. There was little naval action in the West Indies until June, when the French launched an attack on St. Vincent, and no major fleet action until the encounter between Admirals Byron and Estaing off Grenada in July (Mahan, Navies in the War of Amer. Independence , p. 104–106).

To Benjamin Franklin, 31 March 1779 JA Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin, 31 March 1779 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin
To Benjamin Franklin
Brest Harbour March 31. 1779

When I arrived at this place I found nothing done. Mr. Costentin, it is said waited for orders. And the officers of the Port, expected orders. But Since my Arrival, as Mr. Schweighauser wrote to Mr. Costentin to take my Advice, he readily engaged in the Business, and the officers of the Port have afforded Us every facility, consistent with the Kings service.

Mr. Costentin and Captain Landais, I find are both very attentive to Articles of Expence, and do their Utmost to save. The Captain, in this View, has determined neither to sheath his ship in Copper, nor to lay her down to clean, but has applied for proper Instruments to hog her,1 as their Phrase is, and this operation is now finished so that her Bottom is at present very well cleaned. The Main Top Mast and rigging, is also preparing, the Water will be got on board as soon as possible, and I hope We shall be ready to go from this Port in Six or Eight Days.

But there are still a Thousand Difficulties, on board the ship, and every Body is discontented, except the Captain who is as cool a Man as ever I saw.

I have had Petitions to me, from all the Crew, and personal Applications from most of the Officers. Little Misunderstandings have arisen on Account of the Purser, who is thought to keep the officers to too strict Allowance. But upon the whole I fancy, that Peace may be 20made and tolerable Content allowing to the officers and Men a small Gratification in Money.

I have the Honour to inclose a List of the petit officers on Board, who are judged by Mr. Schweighauser and Mr. Costentin to be excluded, by your Excellencys order, from the Benefit of Cloathing which is granted to the Commission and Warrant officers. This is such a Grievance, or at least is considered so, that I cannot avoid interceeding, most earnestly with your Excellency in their Behalf, and intreating that your orders may be given, on this Head, as soon as possible.

Another Thing, I cannot avoid requesting, because, I think the service will be much promoted by it, and without it, I know not what may be the Consequence. It is that Mr. Schweighauser, may be ordered to Allow, a small sum of Money to officers and Men, at least to such as the Captain who I am sure is a prudent and frugal Man shall point out.

The Captains Parcimony in other Things will render this less difficult, and the Badness of the Pay, and the little Prospect of Prizes, considering the weak state of the ship in Men, render it an Act of Humanity, of Justice and indeed of Necessity. Many have families at home, and a little sum of Money well laid out here, in Articles of Cloathing, would be a vast Encouragement.

The Punctuality with which as well as the Agent at Nantes and Brest, insist explicit orders for every Thing, make it necessary, that I should request of your Excellency an order to Captain Landais, to give me a Passage in the ship and to Mr the Agent to furnish me with sea stores. Mr. Schwe They have all been very complaisant but I see they want, orders.

The Number of Men on Board the ship are not half enough to fight her. If the Prisoners should arrive from England I hope that Captain Landais will be permitted to recruit out of them. I like Captain Jones very well, but I cannot but hope that he will not have all those Men. Landais is very averse, to taking french or English sailors, for my own Part I wish he had an hundred of each, and We would find a Way to suppress Conspiracies. But He is afraid of Complaints of Partiality to his Countrymen, and of the Treachery, of Britons.

I have the Honour to be sir, your most obedient humble servant John Adams

RC (PPAmP: Franklin Papers); addressed: “A Son Excellence Monsieur, Monsieur Franklin Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis De L'Amerique a Passy Pres Paris”; stamped: “BREST”; docketed: “John Adams Mar. 31. 79.” The removal of the seal has resulted in the loss of several words.


To clean a ship's bottom with a special brush (a hog) that works underwater ( OED ).