Papers of John Adams, volume 8

To James Lovell, 4 November 1779 JA Lovell, James To James Lovell, 4 November 1779 Adams, John Lovell, James
To James Lovell
Dr sir Braintree Novr. 4. 1779

Yours of Octr. 14, and 19, are received. The Exposé des Motifs, is indeed news to me.1 I dislike, the Experiment, as much as you, and am equally happy, the offer did not suc was rejected.

Mr. Jay, will find no Embarrassment, I presume, for Spain has all along furnished Mr. Lee with Money, in very considerable sums, and will continue it, I doubt not to the Minister. But I shall have precarious subsistance, without Authority to borrow Money, and even with such a Power, without that of drawing on Dr. F. or the American Banker, for the Amount of my salary. Mr. Dana the same. I would not 278make Use of such a Power, but in Case of Necessity, and I have no doubt Dr. F. and the French Ministers, would in such Case contrive to supply me. If France was to grant a larger subsidy sums than she has, even a large subsidy, it would be no new Thing. She has done it many a Time for much smaller Motives. I am confident the Court have no Aversion to me. They would on the Contrary be, pleased to supply me, if it went to further.2 As to private Letters of Credit, I know not where to procure them. But I shall run the Risque.

Mr. Lowell, had no Authority from me, nor had any other Person to drop the Hint you mention.3 He hinted it as his opinion, or conjecture I Suppose. I never made any peevish Speeches, or came to any Resolution or made any Promisses about it. It is very true I had laid aside all Expectations or Thoughts about any Employment abroad, and was running fast into my old private Business, and should have certainly been removed to Boston with my family, in order to pursue it, in all its Branches, if I could possibly have got an House.4 As to going to Holland, or on any other Errand to any other Court, I should like it very well. But it must be as you judge best.


LbC (Adams Papers).


See Lovell to JA, 14 Oct., 2d letter, note 1 (above).


Thus in MS.


See Lovell to JA, 19 Oct. (above).


The following two sentences appear after a short space in the line, and in a somewhat larger, less careful hand, suggesting that JA added them as an afterthought. They refer to a report in Lovell's letter of 19 Oct. (above).

To John Lowell, 4 November 1779 JA Lowell, John To John Lowell, 4 November 1779 Adams, John Lowell, John
To John Lowell
Dear sir Braintree Novr. 4. 1779

I thank you for your Favour of the 12 Oct. and for the Trouble you took in conveying my Accounts and Vouchers to the Treasury.

I am too fond of the Approbation of my Country men, to refuse, or to hesitate about accepting an appointment made with So much Unanimity, after all the Contests about foreign affairs and I am too nearly of your Opinion in some other Points too.

No Man knows better than you, how much my private Interest has suffered by my Inattention to my Business: how this new Appointment will operate, I know not. I shall be in a better Situation, than before because I know, what to depend upon. I hope I shall be able to support my Family. It is too late for me to think1 of great Things, in Point of Fortune.


The friendly sentiments you express, are reciprocal. They were conceived early in life, and will not easily wear out.

I must commit my family, in Some measure to your Care. My dear Mrs. Adams will have occasion, perhaps for your Advice, which I know you would readily offer her.2 I am with much Esteem, yours

John Adams

RC (CSmH.) LbC (Adams Papers).


The Letterbook concludes the sentence with “of making an Estate.”


For Lowell's response to this request, and to AA's letter to him of 29 Nov. ( Adams Family Correspondence , 3:240), see his letter to AA of 15 Dec. (same, 3:250). In that letter, Lowell noted that JA's letter had reached Philadelphia after he had set out on his return to Boston and thus he had not received the letter until shortly before 15 Dec.