Papers of John Adams, volume 8

306 From Richard B. Lloyd, 28 December 1779 Lloyd, Richard B. JA From Richard B. Lloyd, 28 December 1779 Lloyd, Richard B. Adams, John
From Richard B. Lloyd
Dear Sir London 28th. December 79

Having just heard of your being returned to Paris,1 I take the earliest opportunity to offer you my sincere congratulations on your safe arrival in Europe, and I flatter myself you left Mrs. Adams and Family perfectly well.

On my departure from Paris you gave me a small commission to execute in this City, but your quitting that Metropolis almost as soon as I had reached London deprived me of the pleasure of sending you what you desired. I beg leave again to be favoured with your commands and be assured if I can be of use to you while I remain here, it will be a real pleasure to me.2 My stay in England will be but a few months. I shall at all events embark in the Spring for America, and if you know of a good opportunity by which I can convey my family across the Atlantic I shall be much obliged to you to mention it. Any news that you may think proper to communicate will be very thankfully received. Mrs. Lloyd unites with me in best respects, and believe me to be, Dear Sir, with very great esteem yr. obt. humble Servant

Richard B. Lloyd3

Direct for me at No. 41 Somerset Street Portman Square London.

RC (Adams Papers).


The source of Lloyd's misinformation may have been the London Chronicle of 25–28 Dec., which erroneously reported that JA had arrived in Paris on 14 Dec. JA's appointment and mission had been reported in the 23–25 Dec. issue.


See JA's reply of 20 Feb. 1780 (below). The editors have found no record of JA's original “small commission” to Lloyd.


Richard Bennett Lloyd of Maryland ( Cal. Franklin Papers, A.P.S. , index).

From Samuel Adams, 13 January 1780 Adams, Samuel JA From Samuel Adams, 13 January 1780 Adams, Samuel Adams, John
From Samuel Adams
My dear Sir Boston Jany 13. 17780

I gladly embrace the first opportunity I have had of writing to you since you left this Country. Mr. Jona. Loring Austin is the Bearer of this Letter. He is appointed by the General Assembly to negociate an Affair in Europe which will be communicated to you by a Letter written to you by the President of the Council and signd in their Name.1 The Measure is the favorite offspring of the House of Representatives, and was adopted by many Members of the Council, I wish it may succeed to their Expectation.

The Assembly has been sitting five or six Weeks, and it is probable will rise tomorrow. Among other things, they have passed an Act for 307securing to their own officers and Soldiers in the Army of the United States, a Compensation for the Depreciation of their pay.2 It is done in a Mode agreable to a Committee of Officers from the Army, so that there is no Doubt but the Rest of the Officers and the Soldiers will be satisfied with it. Money has been sent to the Army to inlist those whose three years are expired, and who may be inclind to continue in the Service. And we are well assured that great Numbers have engagd, so that there is a good Prospect of our States Batallions being well filled. Indeed there is all imaginable Reason to expect that the General will be furnished in the Spring3 with an Army better disciplined than even those which have proved their Superiority to the Enemy in several Campaigns. The more they are inured to actual Service, the more perfect they will be in Discipline; and the Courage of a Soldier in the Time of Action, in a great Measure arises from a Confidence in his military Knowledge. What Events may take place in the Spring we cannot certainly predict. An Army we know will be necessary, either to fight the Enemy, or to give Assurance and Stability to the skillful Negociator of Peace. The Plan you mentiond to me as having been proposd by you to Monsr. —— the last October was a twelvemonth,4 if it could be fully accomplishd, might in one of the ways above mentioned or the other, secure to us the Objects which I know your heart is much set upon as well as mine. Independence is a mere Charm, unless by Arts or by Arms we secure to our selves those Advantages we may not have the Fortitude to assert it as we ought, but by which alone we shall be enabled, under God, to maintain it. You have the Parchments and for my self I confide both in your Wisdom and Integrity.

You will see by the inclosd Paper that our Convention is adjournd. The Roads thro the Country are so blockd up by incessant and heavy Snows, that it has been impracticable for the Members to attend. It is proposd to keep it alive by short Adjournments till a sufficient Number shall arrive to proceed to the Business.5 Those among us who can rember the year 1717 say there has not been so much Snow on the Ground since that Time.

Mr. L informs me that Colo. Laurens the younger has declind going to Europe.6 “The little Gentleman”7 (he will pardon me the Joke) will, if he recollects, help you us to guess who will probably obtain the next choice.

The Delegates in Congress for the last year are again chosen excepting General Ward in the Room of Mr. Dana. I own it is not becoming an old Man to be mutable—and yet I am intimately acquainted with one who took his Leave of his good Friends in Philadelphia with al-308most as much Formality as if he was on his dying Bed soon after resolving to visit them once more. In your horrid Catalogue of evil Dispositions with which Age is infested we do not find Vanity. This perhaps may be common to the old and the young, tho I confess it is the more pardonable in the latter. It is difficult for a Man in years to perswade himself to believe a mortifying Truth that the Powers of his Mind whether they have been greater or less, are diminishd.

Pray assure Mr. Dana of my affectionate Regards, and Colo. Laurens if you meet with him. I am informd he is gone or going to Europe. My old patriotick Friend Mr. A Lee, I am perswaded is before this time on his Passage to America. But if not, let him know that the Hopes of seeing him at Philadelphia is a strong Inducement to me, otherwise against my Inclination, to visit Philadelphia once more.

A Letter from Genl. Heath dated at Head Quarters Decr. 21 says “the health and Spirits of the Troops are not to be parralled. The Enemy at N Y are undoubtedly embarking a large Body of Troops from 8 to 10,000—they would have saild before this Time but have been under Apprehension that the Coast was not clear. Their Destination is said to be to the Southward but some say to the W.I. most probably both.”8

FC (NN: Samuel Adams Papers); notation: “Letter from Honl. Sal. Adams to John Adams Jany 13 1780.” No evidence has been found that JA ever received this letter.


See the letter immediately following.


The act to compensate Massachusetts' soldiers for the depreciation of military pay was passed on 13 Jan. to make good on a resolution to such effect passed on 6 Feb. 1779 (Mass., Province Laws , 5:1133–1137; 20:587–588; see also 21:262, 338).


Adams interlined “in the Spring.”


That is, JA's plan to increase the French naval presence in American waters, which he had suggested to Edmé Jacques Genet in Oct. 1778 (Genet to JA, 29 Oct. 1778).


The constitutional convention adjourned from 11 Nov. 1779 until 5 Jan. Short adjournments after that postponed the opening for substantial business until the 27th ( Journal of the Convention , p. 48, 51–55)


John Laurens' letter to the congress declining the appointment was dated 6 Dec. 1779 ( JCC , 15:1366).




This is an exact quotation from Heath's letter to Gen. Artemas Ward of 21 Dec. 1779 (MHi: Heath Papers).