Papers of John Adams, volume 8

To John Bondfield, 31 January 1780 JA Bondfield, John To John Bondfield, 31 January 1780 Adams, John Bondfield, John
To John Bondfield
Sir Bourdeaux 31. January 1780

At Bayonne, I had the Honour of yours of the 25. Decr. last,1 which was delivered me by Mr. Dufour, whom you desired to assist me with whatever I should want particularly with Money. Mr. Dufour politely offered me, Supplies of Cash, and services of any sort in which he could be usefull to me, and I was very sorry that I could not have the Opportunity of forming an Acquaintance with him: but my stay was necessarily too short at Bayonne.

You will please to accept of my Thanks, for your kind Attention to me, and for your Attachment to the Honour of the united states: But as I was supplied with Funds Sufficient for my Purposes then, I shall defer making Use of your generous Offer untill some future Opportunity when it may become more necessary.

I thank you, sir for the Intelligence contained in your Letter. I have suffered the Utmost Anxiety, on Account of the Confederation,2 not only on Account of the ship and the great Number of very respectable 314Characters on Board, but on Account of the delay of a most important Embassy to Spain. Yet I am not without hopes that she put back and that We shall still have a good Account of her. I have the Honour to be with great Respect & Esteem, sir your obliged and obedient servant

LbC (Adams Papers).


Not found.


That is, the Confederacy, which was taking John Jay to Spain. See James Lovell to JA, 1 Oct. 1779, note 6; JA to Benjamin Franklin, 8 Dec. 1779, note 3 (both above).

To Pedro Casamayor & Company, 31 January 1780 JA Casamayor, Pedro, & Company To Pedro Casamayor & Company, 31 January 1780 Adams, John Casamayor, Pedro, & Company
To Pedro Casamayor & Company
Gentlemen Bourdeaux January 31. 1780

On the 29th of this month, on my Arrival at this Place, I had the Honour of a polite Letter from your House, offering me your services and Assistance, particularly in the necessary Article of Cash, in Consequence of Recommendations from Mr. Lagoanere at Coruñna and Mr. Montgomery at Alicante.1 I am much obliged to you for the Honour you have done me by this Letter, and to Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Lagoanere for their Recommendations: But as many Circumstances conspired, to deprive me of the Pleasure which I very much desired of a Visit to Madrid, I had no Occasion, to trouble your House, to which I should certainly have paid my Respects, if I had gone there.

I am extreamly unhappy, to find there is no Intelligence of the Confederation, on Board of which Frigate Mr. Jay was embarked who is destined to Madrid.2 I have the Honour to be with much Respect, your most humble servant

LbC (Adams Papers).


The letter from Pedro Casamayor & Co. has not been found, but for the recommendations from Lagoanere and Montgomery, see Lagoanere to JA, 26 Dec. 1779, and note 8 (above); and JA to Montgomery, 31 Jan. (below).


See JA to John Bondfield, 31 Jan., note 2 (above).

To Robert Montgomery, 31 January 1780 JA Montgomery, Robert To Robert Montgomery, 31 January 1780 Adams, John Montgomery, Robert
To Robert Montgomery
Dear sir Bourdeaux January 31. 1778 1780

Since my Arrival at this Place, which was the day before Yesterday, I had the Honour Pleasure of receiving a Letter from you, dated Alicante January 8. 1780,1 informing me that you had desired your Bankers D. Pedro Casamayor & Co, to wait on me at Madrid, and make me a Tender of what Money I might have Occasion for. At the same Time I received a Letter from the House of D. Pedro Casamayor 315& Co, offering me every Assistance in their Power, particularly as much Money as I should have Occasion for, either on the Account of your House or another, which had done me the favour to write a Similar Letter to the same Banker.2

You will be pleased to accept of my Thanks which are the only return I can make you, for this Instance of your Politeness to me, and your generous Attachment to the Honour of the united states. I had the strongest Inclination to go to Madrid, for the Pleasure of seeing that fine noble City, but it would have delayed my Journey to Paris by 15 or 20 days at least, for which Reason as well as Some others, I did not know how it might be taken by Congress or by the Court of Spain: I therefore concluded it, Safest to pursue my Route to Paris. I have not had Occasion, to make Use of the Credit, you was so kind as to offer me: but am not the less obliged to you, for the offer. I am with great Respect, Sir, your most obedient, and obliged, humble servant

LbC (Adams Papers).


Not found.


The letter from Pedro Casamayor & Co. has not been found, but for that from “another” house, see Lagoanere to JA, 26 Dec. 1779, and note 8 (above).