Papers of John Adams, volume 8

From Jonathan Williams, 1 February 1780 Williams, Jonathan JA From Jonathan Williams, 1 February 1780 Williams, Jonathan Adams, John
From Jonathan Williams
Dear sir Nantes Feb. 1. 1780

I heartily congratulate you on your safe Return to Europe and thank you for your obliging Care of my Letters from my Friends, which I received last Post from Bilboa.

I shall be greatly obliged to you if you will employ a leisure half Hour in giving me a little Sketch of our public Affairs in America, so far only as is prudent for you to communicate, and proper for me to know. Please to let me know if anything has passed in Congress relative to my Accounts and public Conduct; I am extreemly sensible in whatever concerns my Reputation, and I should be very unhappy if any Stain was on it in the Opinion of that respectable Body. Doctor Franklin will inform you that I have passed through a very rigid Examination, and he will show you my Accounts as they have been re-stated and the Award of my Arbitrators on them. I hope no Testimony is neccessary to fix your Opinion of me, but notwithstanding this I beg you to cast your Eye on my Accounts and the Award.1

Now my Reputation is restored I have no Enmity to any person, nor will I ever be concerned in any Party. I shall be always ready to serve 316 image my Country whenever it is in my Power to do so, but as my Object in this is more her welfare than my own Emolument I never can solicit any public Employ, and I shall always wish the Good of America may be the only point considered in the Choice of all her Officers.

I hope you will allow me to consider you in the same familiar Friendly Light you have hitherto allowed me to do and believe me to be with sincere Respect Dear Sir Your most obedient & most humble Servant

Jona Williams

RC (Adams Papers); docketed: “Mr. Jona. Williams of Nantes Feb. 1. 177980”; and by John Thaxter: “Answd. 15th. Feby. 1780.” Partially lost by the tearing of the letter's fold is a computation, the purpose of which is unknown:


For the questions raised by the Commissioners, particularly Arthur Lee, about Williams' accounts and his reimbursement from them without furnishing proper vouchers, see the indexes in vols. 6 and 8 under Williams, Jonathan (1750–1815).

From Thomas Tolmond, 2 February 1780 Tolmond, Thomas JA From Thomas Tolmond, 2 February 1780 Tolmond, Thomas Adams, John
From Thomas Tolmond
The Humble Petition of Thomas Tolmond
My Lord Bordeaux february the 2nd 1780

Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner is a poor american just arived from Marttanico to Rochal in a french frigat.1 At my arival I got my Disscharge, and from that I travild by Land hear to, Bordeaux. A few days after I Came hear I Was taken Very Ill in the Small pox. I being a stranger in this City, not knowing Where to go, or what to do for any Quarters to Lay my Self Down in this Dissorder Which happend to me in this Contaray, I applied to the american Agant to try If it Were possable for me to get to the Hospattall. He Replied to me, that they took in no people in that Dissorder, So I was Obledge to go father. And as I was awalking along the Street A man of Some humanity I Chance to meet that took Compassion on me, altho he being a poor man, Likewise an English man. He took me in and provided Quarters for me Likewise a Doctor to atend me all on his own Expence I being Disstitute of Money when he took me in he himself being a poore man and having a great Charge on him, and I being not Capable at present to make him the Leat Satissfaction for his goodness.

I hearing of your Lordships being in town2 I humbly make my 317adress to your Lordship hoping that your goodness will take this of my great Misfourtine into Consideration, and grant me such as your Lordship Shall think nessacary for me to Satissfy the poore man Who took Compassion on me, ... I am in Duty Ever Bound to Pray

Thomas Tolmond

RC (Adams Papers).


Tolmond may have been a prisoner of the British, retaken by the French, and returned to France from Martinique. His fate and JA's response to this petition are unknown.


JA arrived in Bordeaux on 29 Jan. and left on 2 Feb. (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:433 (entry for 31 Jan. and following)).