Papers of John Adams, volume 8

From Joseph Gardoqui & Sons, 19 February 1780 Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons (business) JA From Joseph Gardoqui & Sons, 19 February 1780 Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons (business) Adams, John
From Joseph Gardoqui & Sons
Sir Bilbao 19th. Feby 1780

In consequence of the orders you was pleas'd to directt us to ynvest the value of the 200. dollars in sundry goods and to ship them for America, we have now the satisfaction to enclose you an Invoice of them, being shipp'd on the Phinix Capt. James Babson who sail'd the 5th. Instant for Newburyport, where we have consign'd to our freind Mr. Nathaniel Tracy desiring of him to forward to your worthy Lady with our best respectts.

We dayly look out for the pleasure of hearing your safe arrivall at Paris, and In the mean time pray our complements to your two young Gentlemen and Mr. Thaxter wishing you all every happyness.

338 image

Your very much esteem'd 24th. feby. say Jany.1 by the Guide was duely deliver'd us and we were vastly pleas'd to hear that the Inns to Bayonne had prov'd confortable.

Your reflections upon liberty are certainly just and consider'd the small share of it that is to be found in Europe, we are somewhat happier than other people.

You have no doubt frequent news of the Honble. John Jay, and it is with pleasure we have been ynform'd by our Brother at Madrid that he has had the satisfaction to see Mr. Carmichel who was but just arriv'd and wou'd endeavour to render him all manner of service.

Nothing new from the South except that by letters from Madrid we hear that Cordova sailed the 11th. with 28. sail of the line.2

Next tusday we shall dispatch Capt. Farris for Newburyport, so shou'd we hear of your arrivall tomorow shall comunicate it to your family.

We are with respect & unfeighn'd sincerety Sir Your most obedt. hble Servts. Joseph Gardoqui & Sons

RC and enclosure (Adams Papers).


JA's letter was of 24 Jan. (above).


A false report; Cordoba and his fleet remained at Cadiz until July (Dull, French Navy and Amer. Independence , p. 174, 193).

Enclosure: Invoice from Joseph Gardoqui & Sons to John Adams, 31 January 1780 Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons (business) JA Enclosure: Invoice from Joseph Gardoqui & Sons to John Adams, 31 January 1780 Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons (business) Adams, John
Enclosure: Invoice from Joseph Gardoqui & Sons to John Adams
Bilbao 31st. Jany 17801

Invoice of Sundries shipp'd per the Phinix James Babson master for Newburyport on Account of the Honble. John Adams Esq.

No. 1 a 2.
1. A Case containing
4. Dozn. of tumblers a 8. rials 48.2
2. Do  Cups 8. do. 16. 48.
2. a Barrell
6. lb. Green tea a 60. rs. 360.
1. Dozn. Knifes 80.
1. Dozn. Forks 80.
1. Pce. of holland linen 27¼ v s.3 a 11. rs. 299. 254
6. Do  Do.    150. do 8 1200.
6. Dozn. Barcelona Handkffs a 104. 624.
12. Do  Do 102. 1224. 3867. 25
Case, Barrell, packing and carriage paid 84. 9
Bal. ser 4,000.5
Joseph Gardoqui & Sons

The content of all or some notes that appeared on this page in the printed volume has been moved to the end of the preceding document.

RC and enclosure (Adams Papers).


This invoice is reproduced in vol. 3 of Adams Family Correspondence , facing p. 117.


An error for 32.


That is, 27¼ varas. The vara, a Spanish unit of measurement, equaled approximately 33 inches ( OED ).


The correct figure is 299.75.


Four thousand reals equals 500 pesos or, as they were also known, dollars. This is considerably more than the sum mentioned in the first paragraph of this letter, assuming that JA had given his order in terms of dollars as the equivalent of pesos.