Papers of John Adams, volume 8

To Edmund Jenings, 13 April 1779 JA Jenings, Edmund To Edmund Jenings, 13 April 1779 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund
To Edmund Jenings
Dear sir Nantes April 13. 1779

I am ashamed to acknowledge that I received your kind Letter,1 in due time, and have not answered it before: My apology is that I was on the Point of Setting out for Brest when I received it and have been travelling ever since. I am much obliged to you for the Letter and very happy to find that one Gentleman is to be found in France whose sentiments will give some Countenance to my own.

I have run over the ingenious Pamphlet, you put into my Hand,2 and am much pleased with the Candor and Goodness that appears in it. Nor Peace, nor Truce can now be concluded on, but in Concert with France, and I am glad to find that Congress have resolved so.3 I cannot but think that all Appearances of secret Negociation with the American Minister ought to be avoided. It can answer no good Purpose, and is never intended I think but to answer a bad one.


The late small successes of the Ennemy will no doubt imbolden and encourage them, to go on, for some time. Our Prospects are not very luminous, at home nor abroad, but We of this Generation, are destined to Act a painful and a dangerous Part, and We must make the best of our Lot, no Part of which is more grievous than the Folly, the Corruption and Extravagance of too many of our own People.

Our Currency however, Seems to me, to be only Thing that distresses Us essentialy at present. The Ways and Means of raising and Supporting its Credit ought to occupy the Thoughts of every Friend to his Country. Without this I dont See how it is possible to keep an Army or a Navy.

There is no News at this Place. I hope to be favoured with a Continuance of your Correspondence, and am with great Esteem, yours

John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); docketed: “J Adams Esqr. Recd. April 17. 1779. at Paris.”


That of 10 March (above).


See Jenings to JA, 10 March, note 7.


On 14 Jan., to lay to rest any doubts and at the urging of the French minister, the congress adopted resolutions formally declaring that the United States would not conclude a separate peace with Great Britain ( JCC , 13:61–63).

From Nicolas Maurice Gellée, 17 April 1779 Gellée, Nicolas Maurice JA From Nicolas Maurice Gellée, 17 April 1779 Gellée, Nicolas Maurice Adams, John
From Nicolas Maurice Gellée
Dear Sir Passy April 17 1779

I inclose you some news-Papers and a Letter which I am desired to forward, by Mess. Salucci Merchants at Leghorn,1 who have sent a Ship to America, having a Mind to open a Trade between the United States and Italy. The Letter is directed to the Commander of their Ship.

The Abbés de Chalut and Arnouts desire me to present you their Compliments.2

I think you are expecting daily to sail, and hoping your Voyage will be short and safe, I wish you most sincerely a happy sight of your family and friends.

A New pretendant in the Affair of Bavaria, makes his Appearance. He is the duke of Vurtemberg; it is highly probable that the Congress opened is but a mock-one;3 and that the Rest of Europe being employed, France, Spain and the United States will be left at Liberty to disappoint the voracious Designs of Great Britain.

Please, sir, to present my Compliment to your son.

I have the Honor to be with the most respectful esteem Dear sir Your most obedient humble servant N. M. Gellée4

RC (Adams Papers).


The letter was probably that enclosed in a letter of 2 April from the mercantile firm of Antony Francis Salucci & Son to Benjamin Franklin ( Cal. Franklin Papers, A.P.S. , 2:55).


The Abbés Chalut and Arnoux had been frequently with JA at Passy and had helped to teach him French (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 2:317, and index).


A rumor of no consequence.


Gellée wrote again on 27 May (Adams Papers), sending newspapers, two more letters from the Leghorn merchant, and the renewed wishes of the Abbés for a pleasant voyage home.