Papers of John Adams, volume 9

From Edmé Jacques Genet, 9 May 1780 Genet, Edmé Jacques JA From Edmé Jacques Genet, 9 May 1780 Genet, Edmé Jacques Adams, John
From Edmé Jacques Genet
Ce 9. mai 1780

J'ai l honneur de vous envoyer ci joint un Lond. Ev. post du 6. que je vous prie de me renvoyer sur le champ. Je vous comuniquerai un London Courant où il y a un long détail de la reception qui vous a été faite en Espagne.1

J'apprens par les gazettes que mr. le Cap. Paul Jones loge avec vous. Vous nous ferés grand plaisir de nous l'amener dimanche.2 Ce sera 294un jour très heureux pour moi et nous boirons a la prosperité et à la gloire des Etats unis.

J'ai demandé des places pour vous et votre compagnie à la chapelle pour voir la Cérémonie.

Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 9 May 1780 Genet, Edmé Jacques JA Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 9 May 1780 Genet, Edmé Jacques Adams, John
Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation
9 May 1780

I have the honor to send you enclosed a London Evening Post of 6 May, but I must ask you to return it immediately. I will send you a London Courant, containing a detailed account of your reception in Spain.1

I learn from the gazettes that Captain Paul Jones lodges with you. It would give us great pleasure if you would bring him with you Sunday.2 That will be a most happy day for me and we will drink to the prosperity and glory of the United States.

I have requested seats at the chapel for you and your party to watch the ceremony.

RC (Adams Papers).


The report of JA's reception in Spain has not been found in the London Courant or any other London newspaper except the General Advertiser of 1 May. For the account and its publication, see JA's letter to Edmund Jenings of 19 April, and note 2 (above). In his letter of 10 May (Adams Papers), Genet indicated that if the account in the General Advertiser was correct, he would publish it in a future issue of the Mercure, and he did so in the issue of 27 May (“Journal Politique de Bruxelles,” p. 158–161). See also JA's letter of 11 May to Genet (below).


This report that John Paul Jones resided with JA appeared in various London newspapers, including the London Chronicle of 6–9 May and the London Evening Post of 6–9 May, but actually Jones lived with Edward Bancroft at Passy (Morison, John Paul Jones , p. 275). In his letter of 8 May (Adams Papers), Genet had invited JA and his entourage to breakfast at Versailles on Sunday, 14 May, and afterwards to witness the investiture of the Chevaliers du St. Esprit. JA described the ceremony in his letter of 15 May to AA ( Adams Family Correspondence , 3:347).