Papers of John Adams, volume 9

From John Bondfield, 20 May 1780 Bondfield, John JA From John Bondfield, 20 May 1780 Bondfield, John Adams, John
From John Bondfield
Sir Bordeaux 20 May 1780

Arrived this morning a Brig from Philadelphia. By her are Letters for Mr. De Vergenne and Le Ray de Chaumont. No mention of the Operations in Carolina our Letters are 24 Mars she was detaind many days in the River as she left the Bay of Delawar the 23 or 24 April.

Congress has assignd a short period for calling in the whole of their Emissions in lieu of which the different States are to Issue Money upon Specific Securities for its redemption. It is impossible to know the precise effect this Measure will have but it must tend to the appreciation of the Currency as the New Emissions are to have as Substantial a foundation as can be given them.

I have recievd Bills on the Minister plenepotentiary at the Court of Madrid drawn by Congress. It proves a Fund is obtaind from that Court.1 The American Empire begins to take a permanent Lead and from appearances of the Sentiments of all the European Courts promises to place you 'ere long in a sceen of Action the most Con-330spicuous that ever yet was allotted to a Minister in the clear, explicite and inteligent execcution of this sacred trust on which depends the Welfare Peace and Happiness of Millions. Happy we are in our opinions of the Well placed trust.

I hope the Wine got Safe to your pray my respectful Compliments to Mr. Dana. If any Commands to Baltimore the ship we expect will be ready in the Course of Twenty or thirty Days. I have the Honor to be with due respect Sir your very hhb Serv

John Bondfield

If you had any opening where the services of young M Vernon2 could be made useful he is a promising youth has engaging qualities but wants to see and obtain a knowledge of the world. The high Sphere in which you act might posibly tend to render his services in future useful to the province in which he may reside by being thus early in life placed in the political Line.

RC (Adams Papers; addressed: “The Honbl. John Adams Esq Hotel de Valois Rue Richlieu Paris”; endorsed: “Mr Bondfield recd and ansd May 24.”; docketed by CFA: “1780.”)


In Dec. 1779, Congress had authorized £100,000 in bills of exchange to be drawn on John Jay (from Edmund Jenings, 12 April, note 2, above), but Spain had not yet supplied Jay with any funds by the date of this letter (Morris, Peacemakers , p. 224–229).


JA had offered William Vernon Jr. a position as clerk to the American Commissioners in Sept. 1778, but Vernon had declined (vol. 7:35, 80–81).

To C. W. F. Dumas, 21 May 1780 JA Dumas, Charles William Frederic To C. W. F. Dumas, 21 May 1780 Adams, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic
To C. W. F. Dumas
Sir Paris, Hotel de Valois Ruë de Richelieu May 21st 1780

His Excellency, Dr. Franklin, lent me the inclosed Letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain,1 upon Condition, that I would send a copy of it to you.2 A privateer from Boston had the good Fortune to take the Packet bound to London, and the Mail, in which among others this letter was found. It was sent from Boston to Philadelphia and there published in a Newspaper of the 8th of April. One of these papers arrived, within a few days, at L'Orient in a Vessel from Philadelphia.

It is a pity, but it should be published in every News paper in the World, in an opposite Column to a late Speech of Lord George Germain,3 in the House of Commons, as his Document in Support of his Assertions.


I have the Honor to be, with great Respect, Sir, your most obedient & humble Servant.

LbC in John Thaxter's hand (Adams Papers). The recipient's copy has not been located, but the enclosure (see note 1), in both JA's and Thaxter's hand and endorsed by Dumas: “Savànah 30e. Janvr. 1780 Prétendue Lettre du Genl. Clinton au Lord G. Germaine,” is at the Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague, Eerste Afdeling, Dumas Coll., Inventaris 3, f. 87–94.


Dated 30 Jan. at Savannah and labeled “Private, No. 15.,” this letter was a forgery. JA's enthusiasm is understandable, for the letter painted a dismal picture of British prospects. It emphasized the inadequacy of the British forces ranged against a rebel army that was growing in strength and determination, making the continued occupation of New York difficult and an assault on Charleston a doubtful undertaking at best. Even the Continental currency's collapse was deemed of little significance, since the rebels could be expected to continue the war despite it. The letter first appeared in the Pennsylvania Packet of 8 April, probably the Philadelphia paper from which it reportedly was copied and sent to Benjamin Franklin by Samuel Wharton, likely as an enclosure in his letter of 15 May from Lorient (to William Lee, 20 July, below; Cal. Franklin Papers, A.P.S. , 2:249). Dumas had the letter serially published in the Gazette de Leyde of 30 May, 2 June, and 6 June, but expressed doubts about the letter's authenticity in his reply of ante 30 May (below). Not until early July would JA admit that the letter was a fraud, indicating then that he had been told that the letter was the work of a “General Howe,” probably Maj. Gen. Robert Howe of North Carolina (to Edmund Jenings, 4 July, and note 1, below).

Dumas was not alone in receiving a copy of the letter from JA. He sent one to Edmund Jenings, William Lee, and Alice De Lancey Izard at Brussels—as “an article of Entertainment” (note of 22 May, Adams Papers, enclosure not found); and enclosed another, for publication in the British newspapers, in a letter of 30 May to Edmund Jenings (RC and enclosure, Adams Papers). The publication of the forged dispatch in London, however, was probably not the work of Jenings for it appeared in, among others, the London Courant of 31 May and the London Chronicle of 30 May – 1 June. While the London Courant printed the letter without comment, the London Chronicle placed a disclaimer at the end stating that “there is little doubt that this Letter has been fabricated by the Congress,” because for the dispatch to be number fifteen, it “must have been written above two years ago.” The most recent of Clinton's dispatches published in the London papers, and about which there could be no doubt, was No. 84, dated 9 March (London Chronicle, 29 April – 2 May). For additional comments on the forged dispatch, see JA's correspondence with Dumas, Jenings, Arthur Lee, and William Lee (below).


Although Dumas exchanged numerous letters with the American Commissioners during JA's tenure in 1778 and 1779 (see vols. 6 and 8:indexes), this is the first letter known to have been written to Dumas by JA alone. The correspondence between the two men developed into one of the most extensive in the Adams Papers, totaling over 300 letters by 1795, the great majority from 1781 to 1783.


For JA's comments on Lord George Germain's speech of 5 May, see his letter of 28 May to Edmé Jacques Genet (below).