Papers of John Adams, volume 10

From William Lee, 10 September 1780 Lee, William JA From William Lee, 10 September 1780 Lee, William Adams, John
From William Lee
Dear Sir Bruxelles Augt. Septr. 10th. 1780

I have received your favor of the 2d. and thank you for the American Intelligence; indeed in all quarters the prospect seems favorable to our cause. The dissolution of Parliament1 being decided on immediately after the intelligence of the capture of their E. and W. India Fleet, (which you find are all safe in Cadiz harbor), of Kniphausens defeat in the Jersies, of Ternay's safe arrival at Rhode Island and of Guichen's having sail'd on his plan of conquest, of the extreme distress of Giberaltor and Ireland on the eve of a civil commotion, gives room for various conjectures some of which are for Peace, and others for a continuance of the War. The latter seems probable from a continuance of their Piratical violence of all neutral ships particularly at this crisis seizing a Russian Merchant Ship bound to Nantes, and carrying her as a prize into Plymouth, which extraordinary circumstance I wonder at the Dutch Gazetteers omitting to select out of the English papers.2

As you agree with me in opinion about the propriety of having American Ministers at the different European Courts I trust you will press the matter on the consideration of Congress and not omit Prussia for I can certainly assure you that the cabinet of Berlin has 142much more influence than any other, on the Political machinery in Europe and America should never forget that if she means to be Independent, she must act Independently; for a servile obedience to the dictates of A. is as dangerous to Liberty as a Slavish submission to B.

I hope you will get for me the plan on which Danmark has establish'd the Island of St. Thomas, a free Port.3 I have just read with much pleasure the final address to the People at Large from the Convention appointed to draw up a form of Government for Massachusets Bay, as it gives me an Idea of their new Constitution, of which I had before only seen some detach'd parts in different Newspapers. From the principles layed down by the Convention and the general description they give of the Constitution I conclude it to be a well digested one and more likely to be permanent than most of those that have been hitherto establish'd in America; but I am sorry to see that Mr. Saml. Adams has declin'd serving as a representative in Assembly for the Town of Boston;4 for it is to be wish'd, that those characters which at the begining stood foremost in the cause of their Country, shou'd continue to direct its Councils, until a solid Peace is establish'd to confirm and consolidate that Liberty and Independence which has been so nobly contended for; for it seems pretty clear that those Characters had in general, only the good of their Country in view; which may be much doubted with respect to some that are now on the Stage, since lately there seems to have been too much contention about dividing the Lions skin, before they took care to kill the Beast.

Our best Compliments attend your Sons & with very great respect I have the Honor to be Dr. Sir Your most Obliged & Obedt. Hble Servt.

W: Lee

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “His Excellency John Adams Esqr. &c. &c. &c. Amsterdam”; endorsed: “Hon. W. Lee Septr. 10. 1780.”


The 14th Parliament, which had its last meeting on 8 July, was dissolved on 1 September. The 1st session of the 15th Parliament began on 31 Oct. ( Parliamentary Hist. , 21:766–768).


Probably the Vryheit (Vreyheight), a Russian snow carrying hemp and iron from Riga to Nantes. According to the London Courant of 31 Aug., it was captured by the privateer Alligator, but was carried into Falmouth, rather than Plymouth. The Gazette de Leyde published this item in its issue of 12 Sept., noting that the Russian response was awaited with some suspense, particularly in view of the recent departure of a Russian fleet from its anchorage in the Downs, off Deal in the Strait of Dover (from Thomas Digges, 29 Aug., note 6, above).


JA had mentioned this in his letter of 23 Aug. (above), but, as he indicates in his reply of 21 Sept. (below), had no further information about it.


At the Boston town meeting held on 16 May, Samuel Adams was elected as one of 143Boston's representatives to the General Court, but he immediately declined to serve because of his intention of returning to the Continental Congress (Boston Record Commissioners, Reports , 26:135–137).

To Francis Dana, 12 September 1780 JA Dana, Francis To Francis Dana, 12 September 1780 Adams, John Dana, Francis
To Francis Dana
Dear Sir Amsterdam Septr. 12 1780

This will be delivered you by Mr. Samuel Hartley, who is recommended to me by Mr. Digges and Mr. David Hartley.1 I should be obliged to you for any Civilities you may shew him. Mr. Digges recommends him as an open Friend to the American Cause.

There is no News here but what you will see in the Leyden Gazette which is my Vehicle for conveying the News. Pray write me if you have any. I shall not probably set out from this Place untill the Beginning of November. You will not mention this. What Say you of residing in Holland? or Brussells?2 Is there no Letter for Us, or other News from Congress? or America? We have no English Papers or Intelligence Since the 1st of Septr.—which is a good Symptom. They take Care to send bad News very soon by Expresses.

With Sincere friendship yours

LbC (Adams Papers).


For Samuel Hartley, see Thomas Digges' letter of 24 Aug. and David Hartley's of 14 Aug. (both above).


This is the first extant letter in which JA intimates that he might not return to Paris, but see also his letter to James Searle of 23 Sept., and note 2 (below).

To David Hartley, 12 September 1780 JA Hartley, David To David Hartley, 12 September 1780 Adams, John Hartley, David
To David Hartley
Sir Amsterdam Septr. 12 1780

I am obliged to you for a Letter of the 14th of August, which was this day delivered me, by your Friend.1

You was not misinformed when you heard that the Object of my Appointment, was Peace; nor do I differ from your Opinion that this Appointment was honourable; altho I See no Prospect at all, of ever acting in Virtue of it. War, will not last forever it is true: but it will probably last long enough to wear you and me out, and to make Room for our Sons or Grandsons, to become the blessed Peace makers.2

Peace will never come but in Company with Faith and Honour; and when these can be allowed to live together, Let Friendship join the Social Choir. amiable and venerable Choir.

Peace Seems to be flying away. The New Parliament will drive her to the distance of Seven Years at least, and every Year of the Continuance of War will Add some new humiliation to the Demands upon a 144certain Country. So the Fates have ordained, and We Mortals must Submit. I have the Honour to be, with very great Respect, Sir, your most obedient humble sert.

LbC (Adams Papers).


Samuel Hartley.


Compare this statement with that in JA's letter of 15 Marchto Richard Henry Lee (above).