Papers of John Adams, volume 10

To Samuel Cooper, 20 September 1780 JA Cooper, Samuel To Samuel Cooper, 20 September 1780 Adams, John Cooper, Samuel
To Samuel Cooper
My dear sir Amsterdam sept. 20. 1780

Yours of May 23,1 I received but 3 days ago, and am happy to find so agreable an Intercourse of good offices between the People and the french Gentlemen who have been lately there.

The final Accomplishment of the great Work of a civil Constitution, I hope soon to hear is followed by a wise and Satisfactory Choice of Officers to administer the Blessings of it. If the People are not happy under this Government I shall despair of finding happiness under any, for no one was ever formed by any People with so much deliberation, or I believe more Integrity: no one existing in the World has more Admirers is more esteemed by such as ought to be good Judges. It may truely be Said to be the Admiration and the Envy of the most enlightened Part of Mankind.


I have done My Utmost Endeavour, that your Grandson should be supported with all the Frugality that decency and Comfort will allow. But the Expence, has been vastly greater than I expected, which I am very sorry for, altho it has not been in my Power to avoid it.

We are in daily Expectation of News from N. A., the W. I., and from the Northern Congress. If these should all be unfavourable to England, she will not nevertheless, make Peace.

LbC (Adams Papers).


Suggesting that it be published in the Gazette de Leyde, JA enclosed Cooper's letter of 23 May in his to Jean Luzac of 20 Sept. (LbC, Adams Papers). Luzac translated and printed a portion of the letter in the Gazette de Leyde of 29 September.

To Samuel Huntington, 20 September 1780 JA Huntington, Samuel To Samuel Huntington, 20 September 1780 Adams, John Huntington, Samuel
To Samuel Huntington
Sir Amsterdam Sept. 20. 1780

Your Excellencys Letter of 12 July, I have received and thank you, sir, for recommending this Gentleman to me.1 And shall on all future occasions be obliged to you for recommending to me such Persons as you shall think proper coming to Europe.

The Current of popular Hopes and Fears in Europe has been lately much turned by the favourable News from America. But the public opinion is of no Consequence at this Time. A bloody minded and desperate Administration in England, hold the publick opinion in Contempt and Derision and will pursue their fatal system to the utter Destruction of their Country. Their Tools, now give out that the new Parliament will turn their Thoughts to Peace. But this is permitted, by the most malicious and deliberate deception, merely to influence Elections, keep Up the stocks, and amuze their Ennemies, while they prepare some Sly Expedition against them like that of Rodney to Gibraltar and that of Clinton to Charlestown. I have the Honour to be

LbC (Adams Papers).


JA is referring to Huntington's letter (Adams Papers) recommending James Searle.

To James Lovell, 20 September 1780 JA Lovell, James To James Lovell, 20 September 1780 Adams, John Lovell, James
To James Lovell
Dear Sir Amsterdam septr. 20. 1780

Yours of 10 July1 is before me. Mr. Searle and every other Gentleman that you recommend to me, shall be treated with all the respect possible. I hope to see him but fear it will not be soon. I hope you 165will send Mr. Laurens here Minister Plenipotentiary. We have not shewn so much Attention and Respect to this Republick as it deserves, or as their Interest and ours requires. A Minister here, would be able to do a great deal of good. He would have a great Influence upon the publick opinions of several Nations. If Mr. Laurens declines, which I hope he will not, pray send some other. We daily expect News from Petersbourg, which if it should be unfavourable I shall forever think it owing to our Neglect in not having a Minister at the Hague.

Yours affectionately.

LbC (Adams Papers).


Not printed, see Samuel Adams' letter of 10 July, note 2 (above).