Papers of John Adams, volume 10

From Thomas Digges, 25 August 1780 Digges, Thomas Church, William Singleton JA From Thomas Digges, 25 August 1780 Digges, Thomas Church, William Singleton Adams, John
From Thomas Digges
Dr. Sir London 245th. Augt. 1780

Since I wrote you the 22d (by a friend Mr. S. H——l——y)1 nothing material has transpird and the arrival of news by a small Vessel from Boston to Bristol has not removd in any measure the gloom on the generality of countenances here in consequence of the late disaster to the outward bound East and West India Fleet. Tho I have seen John Temple we have no exact accounts by this vessel to Bristol. She appears to have been purchasd by Mr. R. Temple to bring to Europe His Family, He meaning to settle in Ireland for His Health.2 She had 32 days passage which brings the day of Her sailing to about the 21st or 22d July. The accounts by Her are that Monsr. Ternays Squadron had arrivd safe at Rhode Island where he had debarkd His troops and sent them on the Continent. Three of the Transports had 91seperated and put into Boston but the Troops had been immediately marchd over land to Providence.

There was no accounts of the arrival of Adml. Greaves or the least item of any Expedition up the No. River under Clinton. No other passengers but Temples Family, and the above is all I can gather about the vessel or the news she brings. If any occurs you shall have it by next post.

I am with very great Esteem Dr sir Yr Ob Ser

W S. C

The vessel arrived at Bristol the 23d.

RC (Adams Papers).


The reference to Samuel Hartley indicates that Digges is referring to his letter of 24 Aug. (above), that he had initially dated the 22d. In that letter Digges had indicated that he had written on the 22d, but no letter of that date has been found.


John and Robert Temple, both from Massachusetts, were well known to JA. Digges' report on the vessel that carried Robert Temple and his family to Bristol, where it had arrived on 23 Aug., and the information derived from its passengers is almost identical to the account that appeared in the London Courant of 26 August. In a further report on 28 Aug., the London Courant declared that it was well known that Robert Temple had “nothing to communicate that will be very pleasing to our half-mad ministers, concerning the state of affairs in the country he is come from.”

From Benjamin Rush, 25 August 1780 Rush, Benjamin JA From Benjamin Rush, 25 August 1780 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John
From Benjamin Rush
My Dear friend Philada. Augst. 25th 1780

Behold the fruits of the french Alliance! Our young men no longer look upon Great Britain as their home or Mother Country, but turn their eyes entirely to France for all the purposes of business and knowledge. The bearer of this letter Mr. Wm. West1—a young merchant of excellent character, and of a respectable Quaker family waits upon you with a proof of this assertion, I beg leave to recommend him to your particular notice and patronage. He will thank you for Advice and information in every thing that relates to his business or company.

We are exhibiting to the world a new phenominon in the history of nations. We are carrying on a war without its Sinews. We raise—cloathe—and feed whole Armies without money. This must be ascribed in part to our patriotism, and in part to the force of our governments—both of which circumstances have a favourable Aspect upon the permanency of liberty in our Country. We wait only for the Arrival of the 2nd. division of the french fleet to open the Seige of New York. It is reported that it has been twice seen off the banks of 92Newfoundland. Our troops live with the french Army as brothers—a thing unknown to Britons and Americans when they fought together.

General Gates who you know is used to creating Armies is doing wonders in the Southern states. We expect every day to hear of Lord Cornwallis being confined to the Sands of Charlestown.2

Commerce and Agriculture flourish among us in Spite of Embargoes and the regulation of prices. Nothing but a premature peace can ruin our country.

Adieu, from your most Affectionate humble servt

Benjn. Rush

PS: As you associate with Academicians, I must give you a word for them. The heat of the Weather in the Shade has been for several days from 93—up to 95° of Farenheits thermometer within these three weeks. Many have died from drinking cold water, and a few have expired suddenly without labour or exercise from the excessive heat.

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed by John Thaxter: “Dr. Rush 25th. Augst. 1780.”


William West remains unidentified.


Rush's hopes were doomed to disappointment, for on 16 Aug. Gates suffered a disastrous defeat at Camden, S.C., and as a result, he was replaced by Nathanael Greene as commander of the southern army ( DAB ).