Papers of John Adams, volume 11

To James Searle, 8 February 1781 JA Searle, James To James Searle, 8 February 1781 Adams, John Searle, James
To James Searle
Dr Sir Amsterdam Feb. 8. 1781

Yesterday I was honoured with yours of the 1. Feb.1 I agree with you, that affairs look very well at home, but what shall We do with the Croakers?2 Is it that these Wretches are merely Superficial? or do they only want to magnify their Merit, in being faithfull So what they represent as So difficult a Cause? or are they arnoldized? However I have had So long experience of many of these grunting Grumbletonians, that I dont always Suspect Treason when I hear them Sigh and groan.

Cheasapeak Bay is a fine Trap. Our Allies will help Us catch a grand Flock of Vultures there by and by. I Suspect, they will soon all fly there and to Charlestown from N. York.

Congress are Ameliorating every Thing. Their Aeconomy will Safe half the Expence of the War. I wish they had redeemed the Bills at 70 for one. I dont like however the Penalty, which Pensilvania has laid for taking the Paper at less than Silver. All attempts of this Kind will be eluded, and found vain. I am a mortal Ennemy to all Embargos, Regulations of Prices, or violent Endeavours to preserve the Credit of Paper. They do no good but a great deal of Hurt. I fancy American Grain will be in demand, and Europe must convoy it home or Starve. That Vermont will plage Us a little. I expect to hear that there are one or two there, Arnoldized. It is a Peice of Policy, exactly equal to the British Genius, at this day, to bribe 4 or 5 Fellows there, with a little Gold, and a great many Promises that they shall enjoy their Lands, under the British Government. But it will end in the flight of these Devils a l'Arnoldoise. However England must have a series of Tricks and Pranks to keep up the Spirits of the poor Mob, untill they are wholly undone.

129 Adieu

LbC (Adams Papers).


Not found.


For the “Croakers,” see JA's letter of 8 Feb. to Francis Dana, above.

From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 8 February 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) JA From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 8 February 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) Adams, John
From Jean de Neufville & Fils
Honourd Sir Amsterdam the 8th. Feby. 1781

After the late conference yoúr Excellency honourd me with, we should have had the honoúr to answer her most Esteemd favoúr sooner, bútt I am confind to my room, and in want of some information aboút the form of the bonds.1

As to the terms Yoúr Excellency pleased to fixe on the Loan, relating to oúr Comission, we can have no objection, we wish chearfully to comply there with; as also, to leave the disposall of the bonds or part of them to Yoúr Excellency or any other Minister here from America, We for oúr Selfs have no predilection for any broker bútt those who may do the greatest service to the Loans.

The brokerage is in generall One half p. Ct. the allowance for the undertakers never fixed bútt I dare say we shall not want to exceed múch there on Yoúr Excellencys expectations; though we have known severall loans in which extravagant premiúms were allowed; and if it may Succeed to oúr wishes and endeavoúrs; we are súre to give yoúr Excellency all possible satisfaction.

With particular regard and veneration we have the honoúr to be Honoúrd sir Yoúr Excellencys most Devoted obedient humble servants.

John de Neufville & Son

RC (Adams Papers).


It is not known when JA and Neufville conferred. This letter is largely a reply to JA's of 2 Feb., above.

From William Lee, 8 February 1781 Lee, William JA From William Lee, 8 February 1781 Lee, William Adams, John
From William Lee
Dear Sir Bruxelles Feb. 8. 1781

The Bearer of this, Mr. Brailsford1 a native of South Carolina, is now on his way to America with the laudable design of serving his Country in the Feild, and being desirous of the Honor of your acquaintance I have taken the Liberty of introducing him to your Civilities, as I am sure you will take pleasure in incouraging such praiseworthy motives as carry Mr. Brailsford to America.


Since my last of the 31 Ultimo I do not hear any material news to be relyed upon, we have a report from France that Rodney has been repulsed at St. Vincents with considerable loss.

I send you the debates in Parliament on the Dutch War, as perhaps you may not have seen so full an Account of them; these you will please to forward to America.

With the highest respect & regard, I have the Honor to remain Dear Sir Your most Obld. & Obed. Hble Servt.

W. Lee

Turn over.

P.S. Pray who is Mr. Sullivan the writer of the Letters.2

Sir J. Yorke embark'd yesterday at Ostend for England, which proves his having given up all hopes of success from his intrigues in Holland and Zealand.

RC (Adams Papers).


William Brailsford, a Charleston merchant whom JQA mentions in his Diary for June and who later sailed with CA on the South Carolina (JQA, Diary , 1:77, 83, 88; Adams Family Correspondence , 4:223).


Gen. John Sullivan; see Edmund Jenings' letter of 5 Feb., and note 3, above.