Papers of John Adams, volume 11

197 To Edmund Jenings, 12 March 1781 JA Jenings, Edmund To Edmund Jenings, 12 March 1781 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund
To Edmund Jenings
Dear Sir Leyden March 12. 1781

I am honoured with yours of 5. You will honour and oblige me much sir, by your Thoughts upon the Subject of European Jealousy and Caprice, hinted at.

You will see that the Empress has undertaken to mediate between E. and Holland, but she will not join the Emperors Mediation but on two Conditions Sine quibus non. These are 1. an Acknowledgment by England of American Independance. 2. An Acknowledgment by England, of the rights of neutral Vessells, according to the late marine Treaty.

I am fully of your Perswasion that England means nothing but to embroil all Europe. I dont wish she may Succeed, but I dont much care if she does. 1. because all Europe deserves to be punished for their criminal Inattention and Inactivity. 2. because I think America would loose no Advantage by it, but rather gain. However I believe rather that Europe will, have too much Wit to be duped.

The Tableau is a Mirror for America. It is an excellent Work, and the Author of it, whom I know very well, Seems a valuable Man.1

I am informed that the Colls. Laurens and Palfrey, were coming to France. The first as Charge d'Affair—the Second as Consul general. There is Some cause to fear that Palfrey is taken into N. York—Laurence was to come from Boston.

I learn nothing of Mr. A. Lee and Mr. Izard. Will you and your Friend2 consider the Subject of an Alliance between the United Provinces and the United States, and point out the Advantages, the Wealth of Commerce, the Power and Consideration, which would result to the former from such a Connection? Between you and me only, there is Reason for Such Speculation at this time.3

RC (Adams Papers).


JA refers to Antoine Marie Cerisier and his Tableau de l'histoire générale des Provinces-Unies.


Probably Dérival de Gomicourt.


Presumably a reference to his commission as minister plenipotentiary to negotiate a treaty of amity and commerce with the Netherlands.

From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 12 March 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) JA From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 12 March 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) Adams, John
From Jean de Neufville & Fils
Honourd Sir Amsterdam 12 March 1781

May it please Yoúr Excellency to receive by this Conveyance pro-198visionally two hundred of the bonds or obligations with the coupons there to belonging.

If it could be convenient, we should look úpon it as a favoúr if yoúr Excellency was so kind as to retúrn ús a very small part of them with her Sanction, we wish we may want before the Month of Aprill a greater qúantity then as yett we are Súre of, to gett placed, the úncertainty in Politicqs, after the offerd mediation of Rússia, keeps people in Súspense as farr as we can learn by the generall discoúrses, so we wish this, and some other matters may be soon publickly illústrated for the quieteness of people in generall, and especially for their encouragement as to the Loan.

With the highest regard we have always the honoúr to be Honourd Sir Yoúr Excellencys most devoted And most obedient humble Servants

John de Neufville & Son

RC (Adams Papers).