Papers of John Adams, volume 11

To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield, 11 April 1781 JA Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield (business) To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield, 11 April 1781 Adams, John Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield (business)
To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield
Gentlemen Leyden April 11th. 1781

I am this Moment favoured with your's of the 10th.1 and thank You for the readiness with which You have undertaken to get me House as soon as may be.

I will add to the former Trouble if You please, that of procuring me a good Cook, male or female, I care not which, and two Men Servants: one that is capable of managing the Affairs of an House, and one for a Valet de Chambre and Footman: and also the Trouble of hiring me a genteel Carriage, a Light Coach of four Places with suitable Horses and Coachman, also Three Suits of Cloaths, one for the Coachman and one for each Man Servant: they must be Liveries, such as my Servants wore at Paris—deep blue Cloth Coat and Breeches, a Scarlet Cape on the Coat, and a Sleef turned up with Scarlet, and Scarlet Waistcoats—an Hat and Great Coat for each. I will leave it to You to agree for the Wages of these Servants: but it must be agreed with them to leave their Cloaths with me, as all others do in this Country, when they leave me.

Perhaps Madam Chabanel2 would give You any Advice or Information You want, or Mr. De Neufville.

I inclose two Receipts to serve for one for four hundred pounds Sterling, which I presume the House of Horneca Fitzeau & Co. will pay You upon Sight. In looking for an House, if a suitable one cannot be had for three thousand Guilders or under You may go higher.

I have determined to reside at Amsterdam, for the facility of trans-256acting the Business of the Merchants who have Bills of Exchange upon me, and for the pleasure of seeing more of our Countrymen, than I could see in any other City and for the pleasure of some agreable Acquaintances I have formed at Amsterdam. But our Countrymen ought to be apprized that there is unhappily some difference of Sentiment between the Court at the Hague and the City of Amsterdam and that my residing at Amsterdam may be liable to Misrepresentationinterpretation, if the Motives of it are not understood.

I am Gentlemen with much Esteem your Friend & Hble Servt.

LbC in John Thaxter's hand (Adams Papers).


Not found.


The Adamses met Madame Chabanel soon after their arrival at Amsterdam in 1780 and often enjoyed her hospitality Adams Family Correspondence , 4:148; JQA, Diary , 1:76–89 passim).

From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 11 April 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) JA From Jean de Neufville & Fils, 11 April 1781 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) Adams, John
From Jean de Neufville & Fils
Honourable Sir Amsterdam the 9 11th. Aprill 1781

May we thank yoúr Excellency for her obliging favoúr, which brought ús the Bills accepted, that which Yoúr Excellency refers to ús; we will write to Doctr. Franklin aboút as yoúr Excellency directs, supposing it to be agreable so as to keep the parties by themselfs;1 We shall have again to join some gazettes to this; and for the moment we are happy to see that every thing seems to go well According to Circúmstances, bútt as for the Loan we are Sorry we still remain in the same situation, we wish some good Accoúnt may alter this matter also soon for the better.

With all Respectfúll Regard we have the honoúr to be, Honourable Sir Yoúr Excellencys most devoted obedient humble Servants

John de Neufville & Son

RC (Adams Papers).


In a letter of 10 April (LbC, Adams Papers), JA returned seven bills of exchange that Jean de Neufville & Fils had sent to him in a letter of 28 March and inquired about in another of 3 April, both above. JA accepted six of the bills, but with regard to the seventh he requested that the Neufvilles write to Benjamin Franklin to determine if he already had accepted it. They did so on 11 April (Franklin, Papers , 34:529–530).

To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield, 13 April 1781 JA Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield (business) To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield, 13 April 1781 Adams, John Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield (business)
To Sigourney, Ingraham, & Bromfield
Gentlemen Leyden April 13. 1781

It will be necessary for me to have, Tea Geer and Coffee Geer and Knives and Forks and Table Linnen.


I believe a dozen and half of Tea Cups and Saucers and as many Coffee Cups— as many Silver Tea Spoons, and an equal Number of larger Spoons —a Set of Table Cloths and Napkins—whether there is half a dozen Table Cloths or a Dozen I dont know in a set. Two dozens of Knives and Forks. I know not what the Cost of all these Things will be—all I can Say is that if the Cash you have is not enough more will be ready, upon your orders, at a minutes Warning. I wish you to be particularly carefull about the House—that it be in a good and pleasant Situation, that it be large roomly and handsome, fit for the Hotel des Etats Unis de L'Amerique. If it is necessary to go higher than three thousand Guilders a Year you may. Yet I should think that an House, quite Sufficient might be had for that, or less. It is possible that I may be obliged to remove from this House, to another City and so to pay double Rent. But I should very chearfully pay double Rent, in such a Case, though I should regret leaving Amsterdam. And there is so much Uncertainty in Affairs, that I must expect to be subjected to Some unforeseen Losses and Expences of this sort. This is new Work to me, having never troubled my Head about the Furniture of Houses but you are much better Judges than I am and I request you to get me every Thing that you judge will be necessary, for me.

Your humble sert.

I mentioned in a former Letter, Furniture for one Room, I now add for another because it will be necessary to have two Rooms decently furnished, besides one for Business. And there must be Some Furniture in the Bed Chambers. I hope to Spend many agreable Hours with you and all other Americans in this House and that We shall consult, and Friends of America yours with Esteem America, in this House and that We shall to consult many honest together Some honest Plans for the good of our Country.

With great Regard &c.

LbC (Adams Papers).