Papers of John Adams, volume 11

To the President of the States General, 1 June 1781 JA Netherlands, States General of To the President of the States General, 1 June 1781 Adams, John Netherlands, States General of
To the President of the States General
Sir Amsterdam June 1. 1781

I have received from my Sovereign, the United States of America, in Congress, their express Instructions to notify to their High Might-350inesses the States General, the compleat and final Ratification of the Confederation of the thirteen United States, from New Hampshire to Georgia, both included,1 on the first day of March last.2

I do myself the Honour to communicate to you Sir, inclose, an Authentic Copy, of this important Act,3 and to request the Favour of you, Sir, to communicate it to their High Mightinesses, in Such manner, as you shall judge, most convenient; as in the present Circumstances of Affairs I know of no more proper mode of discharging this Part of my Duty.

I have the Honour to be, with the greatest Respect and Consideration, sir your most obedient, and most humble servant4

LbC (Adams Papers).


The preceding seven words were interlined.


JA's orders to notify the States General and William V of the ratification of the Articles of Confederation have not been found.


See JCC , 19:213–214.


On this day JA wrote a nearly identical letter to the Baron de Larrey, William V's secretary, that also contained a copy of Congress' resolution of 1 March (LbC, Adams Papers). He sent the two documents and their enclosures to Dumas under cover of a letter that was also dated 1 June (LbC, Adams Papers). JA instructed Dumas to “superscribe, seal and deliver” the letters either in person or through the post, preferably the latter to avoid “all Questions and desagreements.” See Dumas' letters of 3 and 6 June, both below, for his execution of JA's orders.