Papers of John Adams, volume 11

John Thaxter to C. W. F. Dumas, 10 September 1781 Thaxter, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic John Thaxter to C. W. F. Dumas, 10 September 1781 Thaxter, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic
John Thaxter to C. W. F. Dumas
Sir Amsterdam Sept. 10th. 1781

I had the honor of your favor of yesterday's date this morning.1

I blush to aknowledge that I have not given you a more early Intimation of Mr. Adams's Return from Paris: but I hope you will pardon it.

Mr. Adams has had a very severe nervous Fever, and is now recov-484 image ering, but still too weak to see company, he has charged me to present his compliments to you, and to acquaint you, that altho' he should be happy in your company, yet he finds himself too feeble, at present to enjoy the pleasures of it. You may rely upon it, Sir, that I will acquaint you when his Health is better established. I wish to keep his mind and attention as much diverted from political affairs as possible for the present moment.

My best Respects to Madame Dumas and your Daughter if you please.

I have the honor to be, with the greatest Respect, Sir, your most humble Servant.

J. Thaxter

Tr in John Thaxter's hand (PCC, No. 101, II, f. 210.)


Not found.

From Henry Grand, 14 September 1781 Grand, Henry JA From Henry Grand, 14 September 1781 Grand, Henry Adams, John
From Henry Grand
Sir Paris sept 14th. 1781

At the receit of your Letter1 I imparted your observations, concerning your Account, to Dr. Franklin, for the consideration of which he demanded a few days, it is but lately that he answered me verbally, “that he had allowd and payd to Mr. Fr. Dana all that was due to him for his Salaries, and that he was doing the Same with respect to you by means of his order to give you credit for 120.000, and moreover that in case you had paid some thing to Mr. Dana you might claim it, I mean charge it to Congress, or get it reimbursed from Mr. Dana.”

This answer I craved to have upon Paper, they promised to send it me at first leisure, by means of which I have made out the State of your Account with me, which I herewith include and the Ballance of which is 2557.16 I owe you and which I have ordered Messrs. Fizeaux Grand & Ce. to pay you on requisition. I also return the State of Account you made, to give you more facility in the Examination of mine, and you will be so Kind as to inform me how you have found it.2

Herewith you will find Copy of Mr. J. Williams wine Bill for which I paid him pursuant to your desires 1032.10 as you will see in your Account which I charged of as much.

It has never happened, I dare Say, Sir, that publick Felicity was a Nuisance to you; it is the case, however for the Wine you have in my Cellar. The Crop proves to be a most abundant one, so much so that Wine is at present very cheap, which makes me fear you will be the loser for that part remaining, and altho I drink plenty and often to your good Health yet am fraid not to make a quick end of it.


Please to give my best Compliments to your Son and Mr. Thaxter; for Mr. Dana I believe he is no longer one amongst you.

I remain with due Respect Sir your most obt. hble. st.

Hy. Grand

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Mr Grand. Septr. 14. ansd Oct. 12. 1781.”


To Ferdinand Grand, 15 Aug., above.


Neither of the accounts mentioned here has been found.